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This site says library is toshoshitsu but my Japanese textbook says it is toshokan. Can anyone… - Feed Post by antmn2

This site says library is toshoshitsu but my Japanese textbook says it is toshokan. Can anyone tell me which one is more common?
posted by antmn2

Comments 3

  • MintyHippo
    Toshokan is is a seperate building itself, eg. Your local library building.

    Toshoshitsu is a library room, eg. In a school building there can be multiple rooms and one of them is the library room.
  • antmn2
  • temrpro43
    I've noticed that ’つ’ kind of gets used with a lot of 'room' related words. like 事務室(じむしつ)or 応接室(おうせつしつ)cuz of the kanji 室.


