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why is 600 roupyaku with a p but 300 is roubyaku with a b i don't get it at all pls help me - Feed Post by marabean

why is 600 roupyaku with a p but 300 is roubyaku with a b i don't get it at all pls help me
posted by marabean

Comments 1

  • lawliets
    600 → roppyaku
    This is because saying "roku hyaku" would just be too much. Therefore, they shortened it to "roppyaku". Here, you have the "p" sound because when saying "ro-," your mouth shape transitions to the "p" sound more easily than it would transition to the "b" sound.

    300 → sanbyaku
    This is because "san hyaku" would make your mouth move too much; it's tiring. Therefore, they changed it to "sanbyaku" because when you make the "n" sound in "san," your mouth shape transitions easier to the "b" sound instead of an "h" sound.

    Does this help you? I hope you can understand what I am trying to say. Good luck!


