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Just passing by and I thought I should let you know; many Kanji's have 2-3 or more ways to read… - Feed Post from Kashiyuka to Sarah-dono

Just passing by and I thought I should let you know; many Kanji's have 2-3 or more ways to read them. When you think there's a mistake with the hiragana the site is most likely just teaching you an exception to the regular readings that you should know. For example, 会 means "kai" 98-99% of the time but the site uses "a"(with "u" proceeding) as an example for the Kanji Lesson, just to let you know that you should know that 会 can mean "a"(u) although it's very rarely used. I believe there are 2-3 true mistakes though in the later levels(from what I've heard), but other then that, this site is absolutely brilliant.(and I look up most of the Kanji's/vocab words to make sure it's correct) <br />Happy birthday by the way ^^
posted by Kashiyuka


