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How come some kanji don't have a definition? How am I supposed to know what へいてんする means? In order… - Feed Post by Dobunezumi

How come some kanji don't have a definition? How am I supposed to know what へいてんする means? In order to remember the kanji, you need the meaning. It's pointless learning kanji without knowing the meaning.
posted by Dobunezumi

Comments 6

  • FelliVox
    You could get Rikaisama if you're using Firefox or Rikaikun if you're on Chrome. They show a dictiponary popup when you hover a Japanese word, but you run the risk of relying on it too much and not learning (or cheating in practice).
  • RedStoned
    take out the する and just search 閉店
  • RedStoned
    just know that する just makes it a verb i believe
  • Dobunezumi
    FelliVox: I guess Rikaikun would be a good solution., though it is too easy to cheat with it.

    RedStoned: The point is you have to search for it every time and it gets annoying very quickly.
  • FelliVox
    Yeah, I only activate it when I need it and deactivate it right after checking the meaning of the ones not translated. There would be no point to doing practice if you can't fail by yourself.
  • RedStoned
    oh well it only takes a few extra seconds to search for it so I don't mind it


