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難しい週です。that is how you say its a difficult week right? - Feed Post by kitasan

難しい週です。that is how you say its a difficult week right?
posted by kitasan

Comments 4

  • BlueSky95
    I dont know the correct phrase, but "難しい週" seems a little bit strange. I think that it should be "大変な週間" and when I searched on Internet, I saw some results coming out like "大変な1週間" or "大変な2週間". So maybe using "大変な週間" is more exactly- I think :)
  • sliverh
    Hi! I wasn't sure about what adjective to use for this sentence so I asked on another site and found out it depends on what you mean by "difficult". If it was a busy or hectic week, then say: この一週間忙しかったです。
    If it was an emotionally hard to cope with week: この一週間辛かったです。
    The adjectives are 忙しい (busy, hectic) and 辛い (painful, emotionally difficult) and in both sentences, they are in the past tense: 忙しかった, 辛かった.
  • kitasan
    thank you!!!
  • kitasan


