Open Book Publishers 3. The Years with Madame de Staël (1804-1817)Holding Things TogetherGermaine de Staël-HolsteinMadame de Staël and GermanyThe Meeting of Staël and SchlegelSchlegel in CoppetIn Italy with Madame de Staël 1804-18053.1 With Madame de Staël in Coppet and Acosta 1805-18073.2 Vienna3.3 The Flight: Caught Up in History3.4 Scholarly MattersThe Life of August Wilhelm SchlegelThe Life of August Wilhelm SchlegelThe Life of August Wilhelm Schlegel3. The Years with Madame de Staël (1804-1817)Open Book Publishers
Letter from Friedrich Teck to August Wilhelm Schlegel, inside
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Briefwechsel zwischen Wilhelm von Humboldt und August Wilhelm Schlegel Share or Embed This ItemFlag this item for Briefwechsel zwischen Wilhelm von Humboldt und August Wilhelm Schlegel DOWNLOAD OPTIONS IN COLLECTIONSSIMILAR ITEMS (based on metadata)
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princess thrya | Princess Thyra of Hannover, Duchess of Cumberland with her children ... Princess Alexandra Of Denmark, Queen Alexandra, Reine Victoria, Queen Victoria, Princess Victoria, Prince Albert, Oldenburg, Ernst August, Christian Ix
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