Hình nền : Thần thoại, Sinh vật thần thoại, cg artwork, NGHỆ THUẬT, bức vẽ, Nhân vật hư cấu, Cơ thể, Hình nền máy tính, Sơn nước, hiệu ứng đặc biệt 1920x1347
Burn NoticeBurn Notice Review: Promises Must Be Kept
キリン 一番搾り生ビール( 350ml×24本)【一番搾り】
Testing new grenade type. CS gas.
Indiana National Guard soldiers of the 215th Area Support Medical Company, headquartered in Franklin, Ind., are exposed to CS tear gas at the Camp Atterbury, Ind., gas chamber, June 22, 2012, in order to familiarize them with the substance and teach them how to properly function their gas masks. Soldiers experience Camp Atterbury gas chamber 120622-Z-MG757-029