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Blog 数珠屋伊平 香川県琴平町 こんぴら石段22段目
暗号通貨とマネーリテラシー 米澤寿展 Note
"God, what did they do to you?" She whispered. Her eyes were blue; too blue like a shock of sky when it should be raining. "Lots of things." "God." "Yeah." "Who..who did it, Xander?" She looked at him as if every bit of her face was about to crumble to dust. Broken. Impulsively he traced the gash under his jaw, swallowing so hard is adam's apple bobbed up and down. "Someone I'd like to forget." Portraiture, Portrait Photography, Photoshop, Face Reference, Interesting Faces, Male Face, Face Drawing, Drawing People, Face And Body