アンドレアス・クリステンセンのインスタグラム(andreaschristensen3) - 5月30日 07時01分🥇🏆[BIHAKUEN]UVシールド(UVShield)cheddar_ederOne of your best games to date wearing that Chelsea shirt. You were a top-quality the defender out there shutting down Laca and PEAdebrup.dcWe are behind you Andreas... You're going to be the best defender in the world..we believe you champiiiionmo.fayz1Crucial blocks got tuck in many challenges u were outstanding thats the Andreas we want now 💙💙kaspersaabyGodt gået. Ikke mange danskere der har løftet en europæisk pokal. Klasse!robo127You earned this. Proud, that you played for borussia once. Congrats!nielsordYou played really well, congrats brother🇩🇰💯🇳🇿🔥👌>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する
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