Images of ウジェーヌ・ギヨーム

About two dozen men and women sit in straight-backed, wooden chairs gathered along a sandy beach near low, gently breaking waves with sailboats floating in the ocean beyond in this horizontal landscape painting. The scene is loosely painted throughout, making much of the detail indistinct. Most of the people sit with their backs to us but the faces we can see suggest they all have light skin. The people gather in a loose crowd that crosses the right two-thirds of the composition. The women wear long dresses with full skirts, their shoulders wrapped in matching shawls in black, smoke gray, royal or arctic blue, rust red, or cream white. Some wear straw-colored hats with black or baby-blue bands, and others wear scarves over their hair. The men also wear hats, most of them black top hats, and suits in black or pecan brown. Some people hold up parasols in harvest gold, slate blue, teal, or gray. A few straight-backed, wooden chairs with rushed seats sit empty or are tipped over to our left of the group. Two children, one wearing marigold orange and the other topaz blue, and both wearing straw hats, kneel or squat and bend over the sand at the center of the group. Two dark brown or black dogs, one small and one large, stand to our right. Two tall, wooden poles rise high above the crowd near the right edge of the composition. A thin banner with blue, white, and red stripes flutters from the pole closer to us, and a red banner lifts in the breeze on the one farther away. Painted with thick, visible brushstrokes, low waves with white crests lap against the shore in bands of pale lilac purple, light turquoise, and aquamarine blue just beyond the crowd. Two people sit in a rowboat in the ocean to our left, and several sailboats with tan sails move into the distance to the horizon, which comes about a quarter of the way up the composition. Bright white strokes to our right could be sails in bright sunlight, deep in the distance. One boat amid the sailboats puffs a plume of gray smoke. Pale, almost translucent white clouds drift across the light blue sky above. The artist signed and dated the painting in the lower left corner: “E. Boudin 63.”

Laundresses on the Banks of the Touques - Eugene Boudin Eugene Boudin, Barbizon School, The Laundress, Art Database, Queen, Impressionism, Visual Art, Reproduction, Oil Painting

とにかく映画が好きなんです【本館】タグ:ギヨーム・カネ「世界でひとつの金メダル」馬術 障害飛越競技でオリンピック出場に挑戦した元弁護士と名馬ジャップルーの実話。挫折や失敗は明日の糧になる。ギョーム・カネ主演映画【感想】「ニースの疑惑 カジノ令嬢失踪事件」カジノ経営者の娘が謎の失踪…。誰が彼女をどこへ…。フランスで起きた実話の映画化。ギヨーム・カネ主演映画【感想】【川柳】【予告編あり】「次は、心臓を狙う」1978年にフランスで起きた連続殺人犯「アラン・ラマール事件」の実話を映画化。怖い!気持ち悪い!ギヨーム・カネ主演のサスペンス映画【感想】「ターニング・タイド 希望の海」世界一周ヨットレース、ヴァンデ・グローブを描く。人間の尊厳を大切にする姿勢に感動するフランス映画【感想】 とえ

トイプードル モカ 満1歳♪PR: 東京23区の戸建て・土地情報が満載♪ オープンハウスモッコウバラのスキャニングモカと長男のお誕生日会庭に咲いたオダマキ&育て方オープンガーデン 1週間前にPR: 業界初!RPGゲームで遊べば、家作りが学べる!NEWなペチュニア&即売会のお知らせPR: 楽しく遊べば、身につく知識「家づくりクエスト」登場!ミニトマトのフーデニング庭でいちご狩りすき間でフーデニング(家庭菜園)明日からオープンガーデンオープンガーデン スタート!オープンガーデン速報PR: “結婚”待つよりさがそう!話題の結婚相談所サンマリエオープンガーデン準備編オープンガーデン シェードガーデン編オープンガーデン バラ ・レイズベッド編PR: 東京23区の戸建て・土地情報が満載♪ オープンハウス