Because Party Girl made me want to be a librarian. :) -Our Favorite Pop Culture Librarians – Flavorwire Librarian Humor, Librarian Style, Parker Posey Party Girl, Library Media Center, Library Posters, Donna Reed, Disco Party, Waiting In Line, Its A Wonderful Life
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Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey, Rodney Rothman on the Oscars Red Carpet: Oscars Red Carpet Arrivals 2019 - Oscars 2019 Photos | 91st Academy Awards Red Carpet Oscars, Oscar Red Carpet, Rothman, Television Network, Academy Awards, Ramsey, Red Carpet Fashion, Movie Stars, Favorite Movies
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CRÍTICA - Homem-Aranha no Aranhaverso (2018, Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey, Rodney Rothman)
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