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【対象商品限定SSセール特価!詳細はセール会場】【2年保証】掃除機 コードレス掃除機 Orage史上 超高性能 RR11 軽量 人気 1位 自立 自走式 スティック クリーナー サイクロン…



ニュース / News

ニュース / News



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Let's enjoy Library Life!

Let's enjoy Library Life!

open access logo

open access logo

Open Access - Free, Immediate, Research Articles, Online, Re-Use

Open Access - Free, Immediate, Research Articles, Online, Re-Use

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Entrance, enter, log in, login, sign in, access, account icon - Download on Iconfinder

Entrance, enter, log in, login, sign in, access, account icon - Download on Iconfinder

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Open Access

Open Access

Open Access Logo

Open Access Logo

図書館の犬ブログ  査読論文をオープンアクセスにする

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京大、教員の研究成果を原則ネット公開へ 「オープンアクセス方針」採択

京大、教員の研究成果を原則ネット公開へ 「オープンアクセス方針」採択

神戸大学附属図書館 – KULiPセルフラーニング

神戸大学附属図書館 – KULiPセルフラーニング

Let's enjoy Library Life!

Let's enjoy Library Life!

【レビュー特典あり】【訳アリ】公式 浄水器のブリタ 交換用カートリッジ マクストラプロ ピュアパフォーマンス3個セット | カートリッジ 浄水ポット マクストラ 日本仕様 ブリタカートリッジ brita maxtra アウトレット PFAS (PFOS/PFOA) 除去

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フルテキストの入手 - オープンアクセス論文: プラグインを使う

フルテキストの入手 - オープンアクセス論文: プラグインを使う



神戸松蔭女子学院大学 図書館

神戸松蔭女子学院大学 図書館

ポイント5倍中 3/10 23:59迄《公式店》【SALONIA サロニア スピーディー イオンドライヤー】■一部予約商品■4/5入荷予定 送料無料 1年保証 ◆30日間全額返金保証◆ドライヤー 軽量 人気 ランキング hk ギフト 卒業式 入学式

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Open Access Content Alert     Hi! And welcome to ACRM

Open Access Content Alert     Hi! And welcome to ACRM

Open Access Week 2017: share and aware

Open Access Week 2017: share and aware

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NewsSPARC Europe joins Open Book Futures (OBF) project to increase access to OA books

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オープンアクセス出版『デジタル学術空間の作り方』が刊行されました - digitalnagasakiのブログ

オープンアクセス出版『デジタル学術空間の作り方』が刊行されました - digitalnagasakiのブログ

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フルテキストの入手 - オープンアクセス論文: プラグインを使う

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Open Access: An Introduction

Open Access: An Introduction



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(not such) new challenges for open access · (not such) new challenges for open access ivana...

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「斬新さ」より「柔軟さ」でみるWeb API        「斬新さ」より「柔軟さ」でみるWeb API

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Oracle Linux とその周辺のもの

Oracle Linux とその周辺のもの

楽天1位【69%OFF☆SS限定】 掃除機 コードレス ハンディ 45000pa吸引力 自走式 サイクロン式 強力吸引 充電式 6IN1 usb充電式 ヘッドライト HEPAフィルター ハンディ掃除機 スティック 取外しバッテリー ハンディクリーナー 送料無料 新生活

楽天1位【69%OFF☆SS限定】 掃除機 コードレス ハンディ 45000pa吸引力 自走式 サイクロン式 強力吸引 充電式 6IN1 usb充電式 ヘッドライト HEPAフィルター…

Synnefo » Pithos iOS Client

Synnefo » Pithos iOS Client

GitHub: Private Repositories are Free NowGitHub OctocatGood news, everyone!Starting yesterday, GitHub allows free accounts to have unlimited number of private repositories. The number of collaborators for such repos is limited to 3, but this is still a massive improvement and something I’ve personally been faiting for. There’s just too many little things in a sysadmin’s life that could benefit from git tracking but won’t justify a premium price tag.Updated GitHub pricingThis is how pricing looks now:GitHub - New PricingHow To Create a Private Repository in GitHubAssuming you already have a GitHub account and you’re logged in, creating new repository is fairly straightforward:GitHub new repositoryPreviously, selecting the Private type of repo would show a pop-up asking for paid upgrade of your account, but as you can see on the screenshot above, this is not the case anymore!Once you click the Create Repository button, you should see your brand new repo:GitHub new repositoryAdding your SSH key to GitHub repositoryIf you haven’t done this yet, now would be the time to access Settings in your profile (open URL https://github.com/settings/profile in another browser tab) and go to the SSH and GPG keys section there.This will let you upload your existing SSH key that you later can use for accessing your GitHub repositories:GitHub add new SSH keysAs seen on the screenshot, you provide some title to the SSH key and then copy-paste the whole key (I’m not including it in the screenshot fully).The good sign that your key is added should be something that shows it like this:GitHub SSH keysConnecting to your GitHub repo using SSHGoing back to your GitHub repository, in the top right section you should see a green button called Clone or download. If you click it, you’ll see a window with URL to your private repo. Don’t forget to click the Use SSH there and you should see something like this:GitHub Clone git RepoCopy this onto your Linux/Unix desktop and run this in the command line:[email protected]:~/proj/unixtutorial/github $ git clone [email protected]:greys/unixtutorial.gitCloning into 'unixtutorial'…remote: Enumerating objects: 3, done.remote: Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done.remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0Receiving objects: 100% (3/3), done.You should see a new subdirectory created in your location:[email protected]:~/proj/unixtutorial/github $ lsunixtutorialand if you change into that directory, it would contain your private GitHub repository copy – which at this early stage only has the README.mdfile:[email protected]:~/proj/unixtutorial/github $ cd unixtutorial/[email protected]:~/proj/unixtutorial/github/unixtutorial $ lsREADME.mdThat’s it! Hope you like the good news about free private GitHub repositories and stay tuned for more news and Unix/Linux How-To’s!See Alsossh commandSSH ReferenceChange passphrase to your private SSH keyGitHub Teams Free planJekyll with GitHub Pages    var disqus_config = function () {      this.page.url = 'https://www.unixtutorial.org/github-private-repositories-are-free-now/';    };    (function() {      var d = document, s = d.createElement('script');      s.src = '//glebreys.disqus.com/embed.js';      s.setAttribute('data-timestamp', +new Date());      (d.head || d.body).appendChild(s);    })();  Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus.

GitHub: Private Repositories are Free NowGitHub OctocatGood news, everyone!Starting yesterday, GitHub allows free accounts to have unlimited number of private repositories. The number of collaborators for such repos is limited to 3, but this is still a massive improvement and something I’ve personally been faiting for. There’s just too many little things in a sysadmin’s life that could benefit from git tracking but won’t justify a premium price tag.Updated GitHub pricingThis is how pricing looks now:GitHub - New PricingHow To Create a Private Repository in GitHubAssuming you already have a GitHub account and you’re logged in, creating new repository is fairly straightforward:GitHub new repositoryPreviously, selecting the Private type of repo would show a pop-up asking for paid upgrade of your account, but as you can see on the screenshot above, this is not the case anymore!Once you click the Create Repository button, you should see your brand new repo:GitHub new repositoryAdding your SSH key to GitHub repositoryIf you haven’t done this yet, now would be the time to access Settings in your profile (open URL https://github.com/settings/profile in another browser tab) and go to the SSH and GPG keys section there.This will let you upload your existing SSH key that you later can use for accessing your GitHub repositories:GitHub add new SSH keysAs seen on the screenshot, you provide some title to the SSH key and then copy-paste the whole key (I’m not including it in the screenshot fully).The good sign that your key is added should be something that shows it like this:GitHub SSH keysConnecting to your GitHub repo using SSHGoing back to your GitHub repository, in the top right section you should see a green button called Clone or download. If you click it, you’ll see a window with URL to your private repo. Don’t forget to click the Use SSH there and you should see something like this:GitHub Clone git RepoCopy this onto your Linux/Unix desktop and run this in the command line:[email protected]:~/proj/unixtutorial/github $ git clone [email protected]:greys/unixtutorial.gitCloning into 'unixtutorial'…remote: Enumerating objects: 3, done.remote: Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done.remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0Receiving objects: 100% (3/3), done.You should see a new subdirectory created in your location:[email protected]:~/proj/unixtutorial/github $ lsunixtutorialand if you change into that directory, it would contain your private GitHub repository copy – which at this early stage only has the README.mdfile:[email protected]:~/proj/unixtutorial/github $ cd unixtutorial/[email protected]:~/proj/unixtutorial/github/unixtutorial $ lsREADME.mdThat’s it! Hope you like the good news about free private GitHub repositories and stay tuned for more news and Unix/Linux How-To’s!See Alsossh commandSSH ReferenceChange passphrase to your private SSH keyGitHub Teams Free planJekyll with GitHub Pages var disqus_config = function () { this.page.url = 'https://www.unixtutorial.org/github-private-repositories-are-free-now/'; }; (function() { var d = document, s = d.createElement('script'); s.src = '//glebreys.disqus.com/embed.js'; s.setAttribute('data-timestamp', +new Date()); (d.head || d.body).appendChild(s); })(); Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus.


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