Portraits of Paul Broca and Carl Wernicke who made significant discoveries in the late 1800's for specific areas of the brain that are responsible for speech production (Broca's Area) and speech comprehension (Wernicke's Area) #neuropsychology #cognition #speech #psychology Wernicke's Area, Learn Something New Everyday, Cognitive, Comprehension, Discovery, Speech, Psychology, Interactive, Development
Historia de la psicofisiologia Joseph Gall, ( siglo XIX) Paul Broca Karl Wernicke Litchthein Ombredane Luria Bustamante, 1978 Luria 1973, 1958, 1979 Dejerine, 1980; Finger, 1994; Geschwind, 1970 Kertesz, 1983 Geschwind y Galaburda Lezak Clarke, 1975; Kandel, 1997; Hebb 1958 Miller y Cummings 1998
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Aspectos históricos de la neuropsicologia Siglo XIX Joseph Gall Paul Broca Karl Wernicke Ombredane Luria Geschwind Luria El cerebro funcional Bustamante (Neuroanatomia funcional) Luria Kertesz Geschwind y Galaburda Betancurt Lezak Miller y Cummings
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