Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit was the German physicist who invented the first alcohol thermometer in 1709 and the first mercury thermometer in 1714. In 1724, he introduced the temperature scale that bears his name - Fahrenheit Scale. "LIKE" our Facebook page for more heating and cooling history, facts and tips! www.facebook.com/gibsonair Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit, Thermometers, Heating And Cooling, Bottle Opener Wall, Inventions, Barware, Alcohol, Physicist
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An original mercury thermometer made by Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit, inventor of the mercury thermometer and creator of the temperature scale that bears his name. Early 18th century North Rhine Westphalia, Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit, Scientific Revolution, Age Of Enlightenment, Flotsam And Jetsam, Berlin Brandenburg, Colonial Furniture, Sundials, History Timeline
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