UNLIMITED Audiobooks and eBooksOver 40,000 books & works on all major devicesPublic Opinion Walter Lippmann GovernmentLectures/Essays 3.961,245 rating Book Overview: Public Opinion, by Walter Lippman, is a critical assessment of functional democratic government, especially the irrational, and often self-serving, social perceptions that influence individual behavior, and prevent optimal societal cohesion.
“When all think alike, then no one is thinking.”
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Walter Lippmann
リップマン 公共哲学
The Walter Lippmann Colloquium: The Birth Of Neo-liberalism by Jurgen Reinhoudt / 2017 / English / PDF
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ECCV response to the review of not-for-profit governance arrangements consultation paper
“What a myth never contains is the critical power to separate its truth from its errors.”