an image of a black cat with the words goth cats on it's back
Canon Cat brochure, pages 6-7
CANON|キヤノン EOS 5D Mark IV デジタル一眼レフカメラ EF24-105L IS II USM レンズキット ブラック EOS5DMK424105IS2LK…
An innovative shared system that performs both CT and PET scans.Improved Accuracy and Increased ComfortLargest PET/CT Bore Provides More Room to MoveTrue 70cm CT Field of ViewTG-66 Compliant Bed DesignSEMAR (Single Energy Metal Artifact Reduction) AIDR 3DMolecular imaging solutions with
no compromise for every patient.
Every time.Canon's Celesteion PET/CT Benefits for Radiation Oncology