Wild Blue Yonder by Leah Campbell Badertscher - Picture 1 of 1
Category:Kate Campbell Hurd-Mead
Kate Campbell
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Kate Campbell Stevenson performs as Louis Arner Boyd during her one-woman show, "Women: Back to the Future" at the U.S. Army Forces Command and U.S. Army Reserve Command headquarters at Fort Bragg, N.C., March 17, 2015. Portraying Boyd, Bessie Coleman and Eleanor Roosevelt, Stevenson dressed in period clothing and shared the women's stories in song and monologues to show how they overcame gender-based and societal obstacles to achieve personal and historical success. “Women’s stories have been there all along, we just have to be willing to dig to find them,” said Stevenson. “I present these wo
Cate Campbell Just Misses World-Leading Time in 100 Free At Australia Grand Prix 2