K2-18B:CAN LIFE EXIST THERE. A article about the planet K2-18B a planet discovered by Kepler space telescope and it contains water,so can life exist there All About Space, Space Telescope, K2, Solar System, Scientific, Exist, Planets, Supportive, Canning
Planet with bluish atmosphere and red star in background.
K2-18b, Large exoplanet has water vapor in its atmosphere
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In der Atmosphäre von Planet K2-18b wurde Wasserdampf entdeckt. Bild: CC BY 4.0 | M. Kornmesser, ESA
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The new study also found that K2-18b has a neighbour, which has been named K2-18c. The data used by the researchers came from the ESO's 3.6-metre (12 ft) telescope at the La Silla Observatory in Chile (file photo)
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The exoplanet, which was discovered in 2015, is 110 light years from Earth
K2-18b: Water vapour discovery means giant 'super-Earth' could support life
Water Found On Planet K2-18b! Is Another ‘Earth’ Possible?
K2-18b Yıldız Sisteminde Yaşam İhtimali Olan Gezegen
Life on exoplanets and the danger of single studies: What K2-18b taught us about science writing
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Good news! (Or bad hehehe!) Right now, K2-18b, which is eight times the mass of Earth, is now the only planet orbiting a star outside the… Mass Of Earth, Super Earth, Hubble Space Telescope, Light Year, K2, Orbit, Good News, Planets, The Outsiders
K2-18b: Ferner Exoplanet könnte lebensfreundliche Super-Erde sein
Bilim insanlarından heyecanlandıran açıklama: K2-18b'de yaşam olabilir