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Images of ケヴィン・マッカーシー

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'Work or die': Kevin McCarthy sneaks Matt Gaetz's Medicaid plan into debt ceiling bill

'Work or die': Kevin McCarthy sneaks Matt Gaetz's Medicaid plan into debt ceiling bill

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‘Let’s Find a Person We Can Trust’: House GOP Leader Says Fauci Needs to Go

‘Let’s Find a Person We Can Trust’: House GOP Leader Says Fauci Needs to Go

Kevin McCarthy House Speaker Paul Ryan and House GOP Leadership Hold Weekly News Conference

Kevin McCarthy House Speaker Paul Ryan and House GOP Leadership Hold Weekly News Conference

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JavaScript is not available.

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House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., leaves House Speaker John Boehner's office on the day after House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., was defeated in the Virginia primary at the hands of a tea party challenger, at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. (J. Scott Applewhite—AP)

House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., leaves House Speaker John Boehner's office on the day after House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., was defeated in the Virginia primary at the hands of a tea party challenger, at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, June 11, 2014. (J. Scott Applewhite—AP)

RioSlum Studio

RioSlum Studio



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Speaker McCarthy meets with Pope Francis									Evening News											Breaking News

Speaker McCarthy meets with Pope Francis Evening News Breaking News

Kevin McCarthy

Kevin McCarthy

Rep. Kevin McCarthy on statue removals: ‘Mobs do not strive to make us a more perfect union’

Rep. Kevin McCarthy on statue removals: ‘Mobs do not strive to make us a more perfect union’

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Kevin McCarthy backtracks Benghazi comments

Kevin McCarthy backtracks Benghazi comments

George Mackay, Timeless Knitwear, Alabaster Skin, Anthony Vaccarello, Mr Porter, Film Review, British Actors, British Men, Designer Clothes For Men

George Mackay, Timeless Knitwear, Alabaster Skin, Anthony Vaccarello, Mr Porter, Film Review, British Actors, British Men, Designer Clothes For Men

Kevin McCarthy Height: What is Kevin McCarthy’s Height

Kevin McCarthy Height: What is Kevin McCarthy’s Height

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Kevin McCarthy has “gone fishing”

Kevin McCarthy has “gone fishing”

Kevin McCarthy revels in proving his doubters wrong									Daily News

Kevin McCarthy revels in proving his doubters wrong Daily News

Kevin McCarthy Children: Meet Meghan And Connor McCarthy

Kevin McCarthy Children: Meet Meghan And Connor McCarthy

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Bakersfield Observed

Bakersfield Observed

Republicans Are Betting Their Phony Cancel Culture War Can Deliver the House in 2022

Republicans Are Betting Their Phony Cancel Culture War Can Deliver the House in 2022

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Republicans signal possible movement in standoff over virus aid for businesses

Republicans signal possible movement in standoff over virus aid for businesses

McCarthy, Kevin McCarthy

McCarthy, Kevin McCarthy

Analyst walks through the Sword of Damocles hanging over Kevin McCarthy

Analyst walks through the Sword of Damocles hanging over Kevin McCarthy

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Log InThe January 6 Committee Just Put Kevin McCarthy in Charge of an Investigation Into Kevin McCarthyThe January 6 Committee Just Put Kevin McCarthy in Charge of an Investigation Into Kevin McCarthy

Log InThe January 6 Committee Just Put Kevin McCarthy in Charge of an Investigation Into Kevin McCarthyThe January 6 Committee Just Put Kevin McCarthy in Charge of an Investigation Into Kevin McCarthy

Kevin McCarthy

Kevin McCarthy

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POLITICOPolitico Logo

POLITICOPolitico Logo

Despite ‘Philosophical’ Disagreements on Debt Ceiling, GOP and Biden Can Find ‘Common Ground’: McCarthy

Despite ‘Philosophical’ Disagreements on Debt Ceiling, GOP and Biden Can Find ‘Common Ground’: McCarthy

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Kevin McCarthy says Liz Cheney’s main is a ‘referendum on Jan 6’

Kevin McCarthy says Liz Cheney’s main is a ‘referendum on Jan 6’

McCarthy: Republicans aren't moving goalposts in debt negotiations - The Hill (Picture 1)

McCarthy: Republicans aren't moving goalposts in debt negotiations - The Hill (Picture 1)

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Kevin McCarthy exige des exigences de travail pour «tous les programmes» afin d’éviter un défaut de paiement imminent

Kevin McCarthy exige des exigences de travail pour «tous les programmes» afin d’éviter un défaut de paiement imminent

Kevin McCarthy just proved how hard Republicans have to work to say Trump did nothing wrong

Kevin McCarthy just proved how hard Republicans have to work to say Trump did nothing wrong

Today's NewsGet the App

Today's NewsGet the App

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House Speaker Kevin McCarthy under fire with a massive ultimatum to stop Biden’s border disaster

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy under fire with a massive ultimatum to stop Biden’s border disaster

Rep. Kevin McCarthy Slights Joe Biden For Needing 5 Hours Of Sleep A Night

Rep. Kevin McCarthy Slights Joe Biden For Needing 5 Hours Of Sleep A Night



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