Assassination of the French President Sadi Carnot by the Italian Anarchist Santo Caserio at Lyons, 24 June 1894. From 'Le Petit Journal', Paris, 2 July 1894. France, Murder
Marie Francois Sadi Carnot, President of France, 1887.
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A pair of Banhwas, a royal ornament of the Joseon Court made to look like bunjae(Korean word for bonsai) adorned with gold leaf and precious stones, gifted to the then-president of France Marie François Sadi Carnot by Emperor Gojong and currently owned by the Guimet Museum in Paris
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Portrait of Marie François Sadi Carnot (1837-1894) a French statesman and former President of France. Dated 19th century
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President Marie François Sadi Carnot,statesman,politicians,Republican left,1880
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Marie François Sadi Carnot (1837-1894) elected President of the French Republic on 3 December 1887 until 1894 its mandate because it is interrupted by Caserio killed after refusing the grace of the anarchist Vaillant, author of an attack photograph in the
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