ナイジェル・バーカーのインスタグラム(nigelbarker) - 1月20日 22時41分 In the ring on Day 20 with my man Frank, YES actor and boxer Frank Grillo @frankgrillo1 Although his list of acting credits is long, with roles in such films as Captain America: Civil War, Intersection, Zero Dark Thirty, Edge of Watch, and Donnybrook, just to name a few, it was his starring role as Alvey Kulina, patriarch and owner of MMA gym Navy St. on the series Kingdom, now streaming on Netflix, that put him on our @thev1ve fitness radar. At age 55, Frank is a lean, mean, fighting machine who could likely knock out guys half his age and twice his size... Bronx born and bred tough, Frank trains as hard as any pro fighter, with a fitness level and physique to match. Frank gives us a behind the scenes look at his workouts at @fortunegymboxing in Hollywood, where he can be found every day, and shares the training and nutrition regimen that keep him so ripped with just 5% bodyfat! Join me as I go LIVE at FIVE @theV1VE with Frank #V1VE #KO [BIHAKUEN]UVシールド(UVShield) >> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する styleofsport