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Shrine Auditorium Unique Venues, Auditorium, Expo, Architecture Design, California, Projects, Log Projects, Architecture Layout, Blue Prints

Los Angeles, CA. 19 ene, 2020. Tony Shalhoub en la sala de prensa para el 26 de Screen Actors Guild Awards anual - Sala de Prensa, Shrine Auditorium, Los Ángeles, CA 19 de enero de 2020. Crédito: Elizabeth Goodenough/Everett Collection/Alamy Live News

Anthony Hopkins und Frau -Sag-Schauspieler Guild Awards 2009 im Shrine Auditorium in Los AngelesHopkinsAnthonyandWife 240 Veranstaltung in Hollywood Leben - Kalifornien, Red Carpet Event, USA, Filmindustrie, Prominente, Fotografie, Bestof, Kunst, Kultur und Unterhaltung, prominente Mode, Besten, Hollywood Leben, Event in Hollywood Leben - Kalifornien, Roter Teppich und backstage, Musik Prominente, Topix, Paar, Familie (Mann und Frau) und Kids - Kinder, Brüder und Schwestern anfrage [email protected], Kredit Tsuni/USA, 2006 bis 2009

Los Angeles, California, USA. 27th January 2013. Tina Fey attends 19th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards-Press Room on 27th January 2013 at The Shrine Auditorium,Los Angeles, CA.USA.(Credit Image: Credit: TLeopold/Globe Photos/ ZUMA Press, Inc. / Alamy Live News

Los Angeles, California, USA. 27th January 2013. Jennifer Lawrence attends 19th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards-Press Room on 27th January 2013 at The Shrine Auditorium,Los Angeles, CA.USA.(Credit Image: Credit: TLeopold/Globe Photos/ ZUMA Press, Inc. / Alamy Live News

Los Angeles, California, USA. 27th January 2013. Tina Fey attends 19th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards-Press Room on 27th January 2013 at The Shrine Auditorium,Los Angeles, CA.USA.(Credit Image: Credit: TLeopold/Globe Photos/ ZUMA Press, Inc. / Alamy Live News

Halle Berry an den Leuten Choice Awards im Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles. 9. Januar 2007. headshot08 BerryHalle 100 Red Carpet Event, Vertikal, USA, Filmindustrie, Prominente, Fotografie, Bestof, Kunst, Kultur und Unterhaltung, Topix Prominente Fashion/Vertikal, Besten, Event in Hollywood Leben - Kalifornien, Roter Teppich und backstage, USA, Film, Stars, Film Stars, TV Stars, Musik, Promis, Fotografie, Bestof, Kunst, Kultur und Unterhaltung, Topix, headshot, vertikal, eine Person aus dem Jahr 2007, Anfrage [email protected]