ジェイミー・キャラガーのインスタグラム(23_carra) - 6月28日 21時52分@transalpinoliverpool probably the best shop in town....[BIHAKUEN]UVシールド(UVShield)notmyname0007@23_carra How come you have to slum it with the great unwashed and @davidbeckham gets backstage passes??!! ?couldn't @gneville2 have a word for ya ??annemcgaughey@hubert_punt_ just saying the same thing to my young brother plus his kids are grown up now to so enjoyment time he’s worked hard for itmikemidgeEnjoy Carra. Hope the killers knock ya out and you get a Cure by Sunday. Check out Interpol amazing [email protected] ..... love @23_carra to bits but he look like one of the flower pot men #bill&benedjwood@23_carra hope you get calsberg for free. You advertised them for long enough!!quinnbr73Struth ! Shocking hat carra ! ? still luv ya legend ?? Rock on>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する