John Wayne and Ben Johnson looking in the same direction in She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
高田延彦のインスタグラム(takada_nobuhiko) - 7月8日 19時49分 RIZIN 18.名古屋ドルフィンズアリーナ、メインイベントは絶対王者堀口恭司VS朝倉海、マネル・ケイプVS水垣偉弥、浅倉カンナVSアリーシャ・ザペテラ、征矢貴VS村本友太郎、上迫博仁VSイーブス・ランドゥー、ジョン・ウェイン・パーVSダニロ・ザノリニ、瀧谷渉太VS大崎一貴、堀尾竜司VS桜井宇宙、祖根寿麻選手の対戦相手は近日リリース、更に女子絶対王者の浜崎朱加参戦決定! #rizin18 #名古屋ドルフィンズアリーナ #8月18日 #メインイベント堀口恭司VS朝倉海 #浜崎朱加参戦決定 [BIHAKUEN]UVシールド(UVShield) rockbalby My name is Adriano Balby, I live in Amazonas Brazil, currently in the sherdog, 16 victories and 11 knockouts and only three defeats, one by one by points and an error by the judge, Serbia and China champion, 120kg champion in 110 kg in 93 kg in 84 kg in 77 kg, undefeated four years ago and with five consecutive victories. I am looking for an opportunity to fight the biggest events, open to proposals, please contact, and morning and afternoon training I am very well prepared for any opponent, I left the streets of drugs of crime and I became champion, I am 13 years old in search of my dream and I have already arrived very far but I want more I just need opportunity, I am a black belt of jiu-jitsu of third series I am Prajied black of Muay Thai, certified teacher I have already made great champions too, besides giving MMA Boxing Classes and Submission satoshi.0610 また酔っ払ってんの?相変わらず薄っぺらな話はうんざりする >> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する
John Wayne Portrait by Magic-Rhyno-Creative | First pinned to Celebrity Art board here... #Drawing #Art #CelebrityArt John Wayne Quotes, John Wayne Movies, Celebrity Portraits, Celebrity Art, American Icons, American Heritage, Spaguetti Western, Western Hero, Tv Westerns