Transformers Spiker He is a Decepticons Soldier fighting and Facing those Autobots Cybertronian Car. Decepticons, Autobots, Spikers, Transformers, Sonic The Hedgehog, Soldier, Fight, Car, Fictional Characters
キリン 一番搾り生ビール(24本入×2箱セット(1本350ml))【kb4】【kh0】【一番搾り】
スーパーカーの勇姿がよみがえる、『スーパーカー伝説』WOWOWで放送 【ニュース】
Chuck Spiker 1966 Chevy Nova "Marines" Drag Car. The frame was created by Jerry Bickel as a custom drag car. The fiberglass shell is that of a '66 Nova. It has a 500 cubic inch Chevy big block with dual Holley Dominators 1250s. It is capable of doing the quarter mile in 8 seconds. This car features the names of 174 fallen Marines from Iraq and Afghanistan. 66 Nova, Chevy Nova, Car Features, Drag Cars, Chevelle, Drag Racing, Marines, Chucks, 8 Seconds