Sources claimed an incident on set with Harmon's dog caused so much tension that the show decided that the stars would never had to be in the same location together
Stone Island David Light-TC puffer jacket Stone Island David Light-TC puffer jacket
本まるさんかくしかく Blog November Girl / Sam Haskins Over and Under the Snow / ケイト・メセナー The San Joaquin: River of Spirit. / Geir Jordahl CAMERA No 11 / C.J.BUCHER.LTD 1973 アメリカの地方都市 旅行者のみた / 岩波写真文庫78 CALLAHAN An Aperture Book / The Museum of Modern Art New York Photographer / Alfred Stieglitz:
本まるさんかくしかく Blog November Girl / Sam Haskins Over and Under the Snow / ケイト・メセナー The San Joaquin: River of Spirit. / Geir Jordahl CAMERA No 11 / C.J.BUCHER.LTD 1973 アメリカの地方都市 旅行者のみた / 岩波写真文庫78 CALLAHAN An Aperture Book / The Museum of Modern Art New York Photographer / Alfred Stieglitz:
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