Images of ドリームインキュベータ

Creative Dream Incubator You Are Smart, Chill Pill, Journal Prompts, I Promise, Art Journaling, Creative Inspiration, Life Coach, Pills, Words Quotes

The next level in my always-growing awareness of my own needsI have a new awareness of my needs.Oh, wait, before I go...You’ve got a lot of magic in you.You’ve got a lot of magic in you.

Creative EntrepreneurPRACTICE GENERATES FLOW.Think of what you love most about your work.That is Marketing as a Creative + Spiritual practice.You know that your gifts are needed.And when you bring that all together - and practice it - you create your unique way of reaching the people that your work is meant for.I am LOVING these calls and am so excited to see where we all go as we explore this.Artists, healers, helper-people, activists, people with a vision for a better world - YOU ARE NEEDED! NOW!On Nov 8 we dida Zoom call on Marketing as a Creative and Spiritual Practice.Marketing as a creative and spiritual practice is...You have gifts. And there are people who need these gifts.Marketing as a Creative + Spiritual Practice on Zoom. Even month inside Dream Book!I had a dentist appointment this morning, and on my way there I went out for a chai latte and journaling.Some of the ideas that came to me were surprising.I hope you’ll join me for this on Wednesday.How do I be grounded, stable, empowered, expansive and creative in my relationship with money...... while the economy and world are so unstable?I’m calling today The Last Day Of Summer.It really feels like I am standing on a precipice.I should back up a bit, I guess.And here we are. The Last Place I Though I Would Ever Be.But first. The Last Day Of Summer.I created this.This kind of trusting our creative flow is one of the things we need, if we want to create a new world.We can destroy this and create something new.We are the creators. We are the ones with the power.You’ve got a lot of magic in you.You’ve got a lot of magic in you.

Creative Dream TVOn Monday we had our first Organized AF Zoom call.Yesterday I took it further.I turned on my video camera to capture the process:The first Well Rested Zoom is happening today!Grab your journal and watch the Dreams In Hard Times mini-class now:This class is a part of the FESTIVAL OF DREAMS - a whole month long deep dive into journaling and meditation.How to bring more EASE and FLOW into your process.This class is a part of the FESTIVAL OF DREAMS - a whole month long deep dive into journaling and meditation.Dreams + Money class!Grab your journal and watch the Dreams + Money class now:This class is a part of the FESTIVAL OF DREAMS - a whole month long deep dive into journaling and meditation.Dreams + Art + Activism is a discussion with Mindy Tsonas Choi from the Be Seen ProjectThis discussion is a part of the FESTIVAL OF DREAMS - a whole month long deep dive into journaling and meditation.Creative beings usually have more ideas than we have time for!This class is a part of the FESTIVAL OF DREAMS - a whole month long deep dive into journaling and meditation.This is a coaching call with tips and strategies for how to work with dreams when you have NO CLUE what to DO.Do this with me!This video is a part of the FESTIVAL OF DREAMS - a whole month long deep dive into journaling and meditation.This discussion is a part of the FESTIVAL OF DREAMS - a whole month long deep dive into journaling and meditation.NAME and CLAIM your DREAMS for 2021 is a part of the FESTIVAL OF DREAMS - a whole month long deep dive into journaling and meditation.Here are the journal prompts from the meditation:

ドリームインキュベータの起業家向け投資銀行事業がMBO、新会社「ファイナンス・プロデュース」がローンチ韓国でも話題のESG投資、大企業や銀行から関心を集める——韓国スタートアップシーン週間振り返り(6月14日~6月18日)街づくりからCaaSへ、サービス開発を通じて組織のDXに取り組む東急とフラーの挑戦Community-led Growth:コミュニティがテック企業の成長に不可欠なワケ起業家と「アートをシェアする」価値を信じた投資家たちーーANDART・松園詩織さん × 藤田ファンド・坡山里帆さん【Monthly Pitch公開取材】アニメ・マンガを起点にスタートアップとの共創めざす大日本印刷(DNP)

2021 Year of Review: Finishing 11 years in business with the Creative Dream Incubator!What did you try with your dreams in 2021? What worked? What didn’t work?What was amazing in 2021?What are you most grateful for about 2021?What did you do in 2021 that you’re proud of?What did you learn/discover that you want to bring into 2022?What was hard in 2021?What do you want to leave behind in 2021?How did your dreams grow in 2021?How did YOU grow in 2021? What gifts and strengths do you have now that you didn’t have in 2020?Is there anything you need to do to complete your year? Any unfinished business that you’d like to finish, and leave behind as you move into 2022?You’ve got a lot of magic in you.You’ve got a lot of magic in you.