HAPPY TRAVELERMoMA「ニューヨーク近代美術館(The Museum of Modern Art, New York)」を見学 − ニューヨーク旅行
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HAPPY TRAVELERMoMA「ニューヨーク近代美術館(The Museum of Modern Art, New York)」を見学 − ニューヨーク旅行
Clancy Tucker's BlogGuggenheim Museum in New York City G'day folks, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, often referred to as TheGuggenheim, is an art museum located at 1071 Fifth Avenue on the corner of East89th Street in the Upper East Side neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City.In 1959, onNew York City’s Fifth Avenue, thousands of people lined up outside a bizarrelyshaped white concrete building that resembled a giant upside-down cupcake. Itwas opening day at the new Guggenheim Museum, home to one of the world’s topcollections of contemporary art.Mining tycoonSolomon R. Guggenheim began collecting art seriously when he retired in the1930s. With the help of Hilla Rebay, a German baroness and artist, Guggenheimdisplayed his purchases for the first time in 1939 in a former car showroom inNew York. Within a few years, the collection—including works by VasilyKandinsky, Paul Klee and Marc Chagall—had outgrown the small space. In 1943,Rebay contacted architect Frank Lloyd Wright and asked him to take on the workof designing not just a museum, but a “temple of spirit,” where people wouldlearn to see art in a new way. Over the next 16 years, until his death sixmonths before the museum opened, Wright worked to bring his unique vision tolife. To Wright’s fans, the museum that opened on October 21, 1959, was a workof art in itself. Inside, a long ramp spiraled upwards for a total of aquarter-mile around a large central rotunda, topped by a domed glass ceiling.Reflecting Wright’s love of nature, the 50,000-meter space resembled a giantseashell, with each room opening fluidly into the next.Wright’sgroundbreaking design drew criticism as well as admiration. Some felt theoddly-shaped building didn’t complement the artwork. They complained the museumwas less about art and more about Frank Lloyd Wright. On the flip side, manyothers thought the architect had achieved his goal: a museum where building andart work together to create “an uninterrupted, beautiful symphony.” Located on NewYork’s impressive Museum Mile, at the edge of Central Park, the Guggenheim hasbecome one of the city’s most popular attractions. In 1993, the originalbuilding was renovated and expanded to create even more exhibition space.Today, Wright’s creation continues to inspire awe, as well as odd comparisons—aJello mold! a washing machine! a pile of twisted ribbon!—for many of the900,000-plus visitors who visit the Guggenheim each year.