ISIL is No Longer the World’s Deadliest Terrorist Group

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Isil 'sanctioned harvesting of body parts'

Isil is like Beatles or One Direction and British youngsters want to be them, warns prosecutor

The war against ISIL cannot be won in Iraq alone

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Beinhart's Body Politic: Occupational Hazard

U.S. Army Cultural Assessment of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)

ISIL leaders involved in Paris attack killed in precision strike in Syria

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ISIL is out of Sinjar, but Yazidis are still fearful

ISIL leader in Yemen captured, says Saudi-led coalition

Syrian ceasefire II – Why any cessation of hostilities in Syria is doomed to fail and what it would mean for the Syrian Army and its allies

2,000 ISIL Terrorists Killed in Mosul Liberation Operation

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European Isil jihadists released under secret deals agreed by UK's allies in Syria

What will post-ISIL Mosul look like?

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Isil claims first major attack since 'caliphate' defeated


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