Mahatma Gandhi Death Anniversary 2023Mahatma Gandhi Death Anniversary 2023Mahatma Gandhi Death Anniversary 2023Mahatma Gandhi Death Anniversary 2023Mahatma Gandhi Death Anniversary 2023Mahatma Gandhi Death Anniversary 2023At the age of 78, Mahatma Gandhi was killed on January 30, 1948, in the grounds of Birla HouseAt the age of 78, Mahatma Gandhi was killed on January 30, 1948, in the grounds of Birla House– Gandhi was previously the target of a failed assassination attempt on June 25, 1934, in Pune.– Gandhi was previously the target of a failed assassination attempt on June 25, 1934, in Pune.Gandhi was previously the target of a failed assassination attempt on June 25, 1934, in Pune.Gandhi was previously the target of a failed assassination attempt on June 25, 1934, in Pune.On November 15, 1949, Nathuram Godse and Apte were executed at the Ambala prison.On November 15, 1949, Nathuram Godse and Apte were executed at the Ambala prison.
Gandhi mit einer Protestgruppe beim 'Salt March', 1930. Der Marsch war ein wichtiger Teil der indischen Unabhängigkeitsbewegung. Protest gegen das britische Salz-Monopol in der Kolonie Indien.