ON Semiconductor Nチャンネル パワーMOSFET 50 V 30 A 3 ピン パッケージTO-220AB 1袋(5個入) BUZ11-NR4941
Mosfet Transistor Kit 10 Values, JatilEr Mosfet Kit Mixed Mosfet Kits, Power Mosfet Transistor N-Channel Mosfet, Mosfet Assortment Kit with Storage Box, for 3c Digital Analog and Digital Circuits
Cấu hình sơ đồ chân IRF9540
How does a MOSFET work?
반도체의 기초, MOSFET의 모든 것
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Ken Shirriff's blog
【3個入】NCHパワーMOSFET TK40A06N1(60V60A)電子工作 電子部品 YMS PARTS
50w MOSFET amplifier circuit OCL using K1058 + J162