MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF: Elizabeth Santos37-year-old Elizabeth SantosElizabeth (far right) with her sisters.Steak knife found in living room.The Leatherman on the half wall near the stairs that was presumably the “pocketknife” that was reported to have been found by Elizabeth.The steak knife found in living room.Elizabeth SantosElizabeth and her brother, EuSebius.The Pocketknife found in the garage.Elizabeth’s robe that was saturated with blood.Elizabeth SantosDig Deeper with The Deck Investigates
1953 Volkswagen Beetle Shaped Into A Ball
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Put It Off Until Tomorrow – Lost & Found
The posts contain videos that look legitimate and claim the plane has been found in various places, from the Bermuda Triangle to having been spotted at sea
An On-Feet Look At The Air Jordan 1 Retro High OG Black Toe