Oleanders (1888). Inscribed: (on cover of book) EMILE ZOLA / LA joie de / VIVRE; (on spine of book) Lajoie de / vivre / Emile / Zola. For Van Gogh, oleanders were joyous, life-affirming flowers that bloomed “inexhaustibly” and were always “putting out strong new shoots.” In this painting of August 1888 the flowers fill a majolica jug that the artist used for other still lifes made in Arles. They are symbolically juxtaposed with Émile Zola’s La joie de vivre. Vincent Van Gogh, Art Van, Paul Gauguin, Flores Van Gogh, Van Gogh Flowers, Flowers Vase, Van Gogh Arte, Van Gogh Still Life, Van Gogh Pinturas
フィンセント・ファン・ゴッホ / Vincent van Gogh The Sower | iPad用壁紙 2732x2048 壁紙ギャラリー KAGIROHI Vincent Van Gogh, Van Gogh Exhibition, Exhibition Poster, Paul Gauguin, Mondrian, Oil On Canvas, Canvas Prints, Art Prints, Monet
Las mejores obras de Vincent van Gogh
[家 35] フィンセント・ファン・ゴッホ
【即納】バルミューダ オーブンレンジ BALMUDA The Range 20L K09A-BK ブラック シンプル おしゃれ【送料無料】【KK9N0D18P】
フィンセント ファン ゴッホ 作品 絵画(@V_W_V_Gogh_e)さん | Twitter Oil Canvas, Canvas Wall Art, Canvas Prints, Art Prints, Vincent Van Gogh, Architecture Tattoo, Art And Architecture, Dorothy Day, Good Samaritan
フィンセント・ファン・ゴッホ《オワーズ川の岸辺、オーヴェールにて》 独特のうねるタッチ
【作品解説】フィンセント・ファン・ゴッホ「火の付いたタバコをくわえた骸骨」火の付いたタバコをくわえた骸骨 / Skull of a Skeleton with Burning Cigarette