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Images of フランク・シャムロック

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UFC Fighter Frank Shamrock Admits to Leaving Mom's Dog Tied to a Truck at the Airport for 4 Days

UFC Fighter Frank Shamrock Admits to Leaving Mom's Dog Tied to a Truck at the Airport for 4 Days

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Frank Shamrock

Frank Shamrock

Frank Shamrock was the Black Belt Hall of Fame's 1998 Full-Contact Fighter of the Year. He holds the Guinness World Records for Fastest UFC Title Fight Victory by Submission in 16 seconds over Kevin Jackson at UFC Japan in Yokohama, Japan. Click on http://www.blackbeltmag.com/category/mixed-martial-arts-training/?topicid=2516 for more MMA info. (Photo by Rick Hustead) #mma #blackbeltmagazine #frankshamrock #ufc #martialarts Frank Shamrock, Ufc Belt, Ufc Titles, Kevin Jackson, Ufc Boxing, Jiu Jitsu Gi, Ufc Fighters, Martial Arts Training, Martial Artists

Frank Shamrock was the Black Belt Hall of Fame's 1998 Full-Contact Fighter of the Year. He holds the Guinness World Records for Fastest UFC Title Fight Victory by Submission in 16 seconds over Kevin Jackson at UFC Japan in Yokohama, Japan. Click on http://www.blackbeltmag.com/category/mixed-martial-arts-training/?topicid=2516 for more MMA info. (Photo by Rick Hustead) #mma #blackbeltmagazine #frankshamrock #ufc #martialarts Frank Shamrock, Ufc Belt, Ufc Titles, Kevin Jackson, Ufc Boxing, Jiu Jitsu Gi, Ufc Fighters, Martial Arts Training, Martial Artists

Frank Shamrock

Frank Shamrock

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ABOUTMy Life So far...My VisionCareer HighlightsBUSINESS & BRAND MANAGEMENT

ABOUTMy Life So far...My VisionCareer HighlightsBUSINESS & BRAND MANAGEMENT

Frank Shamrock

Frank Shamrock

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Frank Shamrock

Frank Shamrock

Frank Shamrock

Frank Shamrock

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Martial Arts Drills              Frank Shamrock - Give Up Your Back and Win

Martial Arts Drills Frank Shamrock - Give Up Your Back and Win

The I Love Success Podcast

The I Love Success Podcast

Frank Shamrock – Uncaged: My life as a MMA Fighter“I believe that there is a champion in all of us. No matter the circumstances, each and every human being should be encouraged to achieve excellence in life. You should live your own dreams.”SP- First off, I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed reading your book. Is the making of the movie still in the works?SP- Who is going to play you?SP- So he will learn to fight?SP – That sounds great. I wanted to talk with you today about a number of things but I will try to keep it brief because I know you are busy. One of the things I really wanted to discuss with you was your mental strength and your ability to overcome tremendous amounts of adversity, both in and out of the cage. What do you attribute that to?SP- When did you become conscious of this?SP- Throughout your career and life what was the biggest mental obstacle that you had to overcome?SP- Fear of what? Fear of being a failure, fear of losing a fight? SP – What was the biggest physical obstacle which you had to overcome?SP – That takes a certain level of strength for a 16 year old to go against a doctor’s orders.SP- Your first day of the Lion’s Den when you had to endure server physical punishment as some sort of test, what kept you from quitting that day?SP – Nothing went through your mind, while getting beaten on like maybe, “This is insane, what am I doing?”SP- You had just mentioned being incarcerated. It must have been strange for you when you headed over to Japan to fight just 9 months after your release. You go from being treated like a prisoner to being revered and loved. Was that a weird thing to have to get your mind around?SP – In your book you mention that when you moved to Japan that the other fighters weren’t really sure how to treat you. They have a sort of a ranking system and they weren’t sure where you fit in. It sounded as if you were kind of the odd man out in that situation.SP- It’s kind of insane when you think about it. You were all of a sudden in this different culture, different world, with no sort of experience to feed off of and no prep or information on what to expect. The only commonality being the training, was it difficult to adjust? SP – What struck me reading your book is even though you spent a lot of time surrounded by others in camps or homes you also had to spend a lot of time on your own. Is that accurate?SP – You like that?SP- Looking back at your career what is the moment which you are most proud of?SP- Do you do a lot of visualization? SP – Being so cerebral, and having such a coaches mind, do you enjoy coaching others?SP – What was your biggest disappointment as a fighter?SP- You mentioned the money that has come with the evolution of the sport. Do you think the younger fighters of today appreciate the past fighters who have paved the way for them?SP – What about the fans? Do they appreciate your work?SP – Is it difficult, because of your background, growing up abused and neglected to accept praise?SP – What can be taken away from a win and what can be taken from a loss? SP – When you have experienced a loss, does self doubt ever begin to surface? Or are you able to just move on?SP – I love this quote in your book; “You can learn a lot from watching a person’s reaction to adversity”. Can you elaborate on that? SP – Well I will tell you now that I am not together. I am pretty much a mess.SP – So please don’t analyze me.SP – So you think this is something we should be constantly working on?SP – I know you did a lot of body building when you were young. While you were a fighter what did your weight training consist of?SP – What was the biggest you ever got up to?SP – How was your mobility at that size?SP – I have heard that today you do mostly hiking, is that true?SP – Do you still hit the weights?SP – Does it comeback pretty quickly.SP – What has Martial Art taught you?SP – Do you have a favorite Martial Artist?SP – What do you think of the MMA today?SP – Do you feel the UFC is good for Martial Arts?SP – Do you have a relationship with Dana White today?SP- Do you miss it at all?SP – If you had been anything else besides a fighter, what would career would you have chosen?SP – How does your body feel? Are you beat up from the sport?SP- You inspired a lot of others, who inspires you?SP – Last question for you Frank, is there still a Shamrock-Gracie rivalry?SP – It was a good one. This has been great, thank you so much for taking the time today.

Frank Shamrock – Uncaged: My life as a MMA Fighter“I believe that there is a champion in all of us. No matter the circumstances, each and every human being should be encouraged to achieve excellence in life. You should live your own dreams.”SP- First off, I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed reading your book. Is the making of the movie still in the works?SP- Who is going to play you?SP- So he will learn to fight?SP – That sounds great. I wanted to talk with you today about a number of things but I will try to keep it brief because I know you are busy. One of the things I really wanted to discuss with you was your mental strength and your ability to overcome tremendous amounts of adversity, both in and out of the cage. What do you attribute that to?SP- When did you become conscious of this?SP- Throughout your career and life what was the biggest mental obstacle that you had to overcome?SP- Fear of what? Fear of being a failure, fear of losing a fight? SP – What was the biggest physical obstacle which you had to overcome?SP – That takes a certain level of strength for a 16 year old to go against a doctor’s orders.SP- Your first day of the Lion’s Den when you had to endure server physical punishment as some sort of test, what kept you from quitting that day?SP – Nothing went through your mind, while getting beaten on like maybe, “This is insane, what am I doing?”SP- You had just mentioned being incarcerated. It must have been strange for you when you headed over to Japan to fight just 9 months after your release. You go from being treated like a prisoner to being revered and loved. Was that a weird thing to have to get your mind around?SP – In your book you mention that when you moved to Japan that the other fighters weren’t really sure how to treat you. They have a sort of a ranking system and they weren’t sure where you fit in. It sounded as if you were kind of the odd man out in that situation.SP- It’s kind of insane when you think about it. You were all of a sudden in this different culture, different world, with no sort of experience to feed off of and no prep or information on what to expect. The only commonality being the training, was it difficult to adjust? SP – What struck me reading your book is even though you spent a lot of time surrounded by others in camps or homes you also had to spend a lot of time on your own. Is that accurate?SP – You like that?SP- Looking back at your career what is the moment which you are most proud of?SP- Do you do a lot of visualization? SP – Being so cerebral, and having such a coaches mind, do you enjoy coaching others?SP – What was your biggest disappointment as a fighter?SP- You mentioned the money that has come with the evolution of the sport. Do you think the younger fighters of today appreciate the past fighters who have paved the way for them?SP – What about the fans? Do they appreciate your work?SP – Is it difficult, because of your background, growing up abused and neglected to accept praise?SP – What can be taken away from a win and what can be taken from a loss? SP – When you have experienced a loss, does self doubt ever begin to surface? Or are you able to just move on?SP – I love this quote in your book; “You can learn a lot from watching a person’s reaction to adversity”. Can you elaborate on that? SP – Well I will tell you now that I am not together. I am pretty much a mess.SP – So please don’t analyze me.SP – So you think this is something we should be constantly working on?SP – I know you did a lot of body building when you were young. While you were a fighter what did your weight training consist of?SP – What was the biggest you ever got up to?SP – How was your mobility at that size?SP – I have heard that today you do mostly hiking, is that true?SP – Do you still hit the weights?SP – Does it comeback pretty quickly.SP – What has Martial Art taught you?SP – Do you have a favorite Martial Artist?SP – What do you think of the MMA today?SP – Do you feel the UFC is good for Martial Arts?SP – Do you have a relationship with Dana White today?SP- Do you miss it at all?SP – If you had been anything else besides a fighter, what would career would you have chosen?SP – How does your body feel? Are you beat up from the sport?SP- You inspired a lot of others, who inspires you?SP – Last question for you Frank, is there still a Shamrock-Gracie rivalry?SP – It was a good one. This has been great, thank you so much for taking the time today.

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Frank Shamrock

Frank Shamrock

Frank Shamrock UFC Champion MMA Fighter

Frank Shamrock UFC Champion MMA Fighter



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Frank Shamrock

Frank Shamrock

バイオリン販売 弦楽器専門店

バイオリン販売 弦楽器専門店

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シャムロック(SHAM ROCK) - 長岡(パブ)

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シャムロック(Shamrock) - 旭川(バー)

シャムロック(Shamrock) - 水戸(バー)

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シャムロック          (しゃむろっく)

シャムロック (しゃむろっく)

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伝承忍者 シャムロック

伝承忍者 シャムロック




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