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Pregna-1,4-diene-3,20-dione,21-(acetyloxy)-11-hydroxy-6-methyl-17-(1-oxopropoxy)-, (6a,11b)- CAS NO. 86401-95-8 buy - large image1
The Sarpong Synthesis of Phomactin A
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lithium-sodium aggregate comprising fused cyclopropenyl anion-amide
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Benzenamine, N-methyl-, lithium salt (CAS No. 35954-01-9) SDS
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Synthesis and characterisation of highly emissive and kinetically stable lanthanide complexes suitable for usage ‘in cellulo’
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United NationsSome recent advances in the chemistry of the opium alkaloids
[Bis(Trimethylsilyl)Methyl]Lithium and -Sodium: Solubility in Alkanes and Complexes with O- and N- Donor Ligands
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[Bis(Trimethylsilyl)Methyl]Lithium and -Sodium: Solubility in Alkanes and Complexes with O- and N- Donor Ligands
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[Bis(Trimethylsilyl)Methyl]Lithium and -Sodium: Solubility in Alkanes and Complexes with O- and N- Donor Ligands
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Pentanedioic acid, monomethyl ester, lithium salt