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Game of Thrones: Every Major Character's First and Last AppearanceClick through for a breakdown of every major Game of Thrones' character's first scene and last scene, showing just how much these characters evolved over the course of the series in terms of their appearance and their place in Westeros.Robin Arryn

First Appearance: A sickly Robin nurses at his mother's breast as Catelyn brings a captive Tyrion Lannister to the Eyrie. (S1E5)

Last Appearance: An older, hunkier Robin attends the High Council to help choose the new king of Westeros. (S8E6)Bran Stark

First Appearance: Bran practices archery with his brothers and feuds with Arya in Winterfell. (S1E1)

Last Appearance: The newly crowned King Brandon the Broken meets with his small council to discuss the future of the Six Kingdoms. (S8E6)Benjen Stark

First Appearance: Benjen attends a feast at Winterfell and brings news from beyond the Wall. (S1E1)

Last Appearance: Benjen sacrifices his life to save his nephew Jon Snow from the White Walkers. (S7E7)Brienne of Tarth

First Appearance: Brienne defeats Ser Loras to win Renly's tournament and becomes a member of Renly's Kingsguard. (S2E3)

Last Appearance: As the leader of the new Kingsguard, Brienne attends the first meeting of Bran's small council. (S8E6)Cersei Lannister

First Appearance: Cersei watches over the funeral rites of the recently murdered Jon Arryn. (S1E1)

Last Appearance: Cersei's body is found under tons of rubble in the aftermath of Daenerys' attack on King's Landing. (S8E6)Bronn

First Appearance: The opportunistic Bronn sells his inn room to Tyrion, in the first of many business arrangements between the two. (S1E4)

Last Appearance: Bronn attends King Bran's small council as the new Master of Coin. (S8E6)Daario Naharis

First Appearance: Daario and his captains in the Second Sons meet with Daenerys, agreeing to cancel their contract with Yunkai and fight for her instead. (S3E8)

Last Appearance: A much less handsome Daario pleads with Dany to accompany her to Westeros, but is left behind to maintain order in Meereen. (S6E10)Qyburn

First Appearance: Qyburn is one of the only survivors of the Mountain's slaughter of the prisoners at Harrenhal. (S3E1)

Last Appearance: Ser Gregor finally finishes the job when he tosses Qyburn to his death before battling his brother Sandor. (S8E5)Daenerys Targaryen

First Appearance: Dany learns she's been betrothed to Dothraki warlord Khal Drogo while staying at the home of Illyrio Mopatis. (S1E1)

Last Appearance: A triumphant but bloodthirsty Dany is killed by her nephew/lover Jon Snow in the throne room of King's Landing. (S8E6)Hot Pie

First Appearance: Hot Pie is among the new Night's Watch conscripts who bully Arya. (S1E10)

Last Appearance: Hot Pie has an unexpected reunion with Arya while working as a cook at an inn. (S7E2)Davos Seaworth

First Appearance: Davos attends the ceremonial burning of the statues of the Seven outside Dragonstone. (S2E1)

Last Appearance: Davos joins King Bran's small council as the Master of Ships. (S8E6)Grey Worm

First Appearance: Grey Worm presents himself to Daenerys after being elected leader of the Unsullied. (S3E5)

Last Appearance: Having lost his queen and his lover, Grey Worm sails to Naath with a contingent of Unsullied to keep his promise to Missandei. (S8E6)Grand Maester Pycelle

First Appearance: Pycelle convenes a meeting of King Robert's small council to welcome Ned Stark to King's Landing. (S1E3)

Last Appearance: Pycelle is lured to Qyburn's quarters, where he's murdered by Qyburn's "little birds." (S6E10)Yara Greyjoy

First Appearance: Yara welcomes her brother home to the Iron Islands while disguised as a humble messenger. (S2E2)

Last Appearance: Yara attends the High Council meeting to help choose the new ruler of Westeros. (S8E6)Eddison Tollett

First Appearance: Edd joins Jon Snow, Samwell Tarly and the other Night's Watch members sent north of the wall to Craster's Keep. (S2E1)

Last Appearance: Edd's body is laid to rest after his valiant death at the Battle of Winterfell. (S8E4)Jon Snow

First Appearance: Jon helps coach Bran in the art of archery while his adoptive parents look on. (S1E1)

Last Appearance: Jon ventures north of the wall with a group of wildlings, though whether he's on a scouting mission or leaving the Night's Watch behind for good is unclear. (S8E6)Meera Reed

First Appearance: Meera and her brother Jojen have a tense standoff with Osha and Bran. (S3E2)

Last Appearance: Meera bids a sad farewell to Bran after realizing the boy she fought so hard to protect no longer exists. (S7E4)Lancel Lannister

First Appearance: King Robert has his squire pour wine during a meeting with Barristan Selmy. (S1E3)

Last Appearance: A wounded Lancel struggles and fails to stop Cersei's wildfire traps from detonating and destroying the Great Sept. (S6E10)Catelyn Stark

First Appearance: Catelyn and her husband look on at their sons with pride until a messenger arrives with news of a Night's Watch deserter. (S1E1)

Last Appearance: Catelyn is murdered by Black Walder as part of the Red Wedding massacre. (S3E9)Edmure Tully

First Appearance: Edmure makes a fool of himself while presiding over the funeral of his father. (S3E3)

Last Appearance: Edmure makes a fool of himself while attending the High Council to choose the new king. (S8E6)Melisandre

First Appearance: Melisandre performs a ritualistic burning of the Seven at Dragonstone before crowning Stannis as Azor Ahai. (S2E1)

Last Appearance: Her magic finally used up in the Battle of Winterfell, Melisandre walks into the coming dawn and disintegrates. (S8E3)Theon Greyjoy

First Appearance: Theon joins Ned for the execution of a Night's Watch deserter. (S1E1)

Last Appearance: Theon's body is laid to rest after his heroic sacrifice protecting Bran from the Night King. (S8E4)Jaqen H'ghar

First Appearance: A hooded Jaqen is one of three prisoners being taken to Castle Black when Arya joins the Night's Watch recruits. (S1E10)

Last Appearance: Jaqen (or whomever is wearing his face) looks on approvingly as Arya cuts ties with the Faceless Men and begins her journey back to Westeros. (S6E8)Gendry Baratheon

First Appearance: Gendry is working as a blacksmith's apprentice when Ned investigates the circumstances behind Jon Arryn's murder. (S1E4)

Last Appearance: Now the legitimized head of House Baratheon, Gendry attends the High Council to help choose the new king of Westeros. (S8E6)Loras Tyrell

First Appearance: Loras charms the crowd at a jousting tournament by giving a rose to Sansa. (S1E5)

Last Appearance: A psychologically battered Loras is among the hundreds killed when Cersei blows up the Great Sept. (S6E10)Samwell Tarly

First Appearance: Sam is cruelly mocked by his fellow Night's Watch members when he begins his first training session. (S1E4)

Last Appearance: Sam joins King Bran's small council as the new Grand Maester of King's Landing. (S8E6)Missandei

First Appearance: An enslaved Missandei serves as interpreter between Kraznys mo Nakloz and Daenerys Targaryen in Astapor. (S3E1)

Last Appearance: Missandei is executed by The Mountain when Tyrion attempts to broker a peace treaty with Cersei. (S8E4)Sansa Stark

First Appearance: Sansa is praised by Septa Mordane for her exceptional sewing skills, much to Arya's chagrin. (S1E1)

Last Appearance: Sansa is crowned Queen in the North after successfully winning independence for Winterfell. (S8E6)Podrick Payne

First Appearance: The clumsy Podrick spills wine on Janos Slynt's hand during Slynt's meeting with Tyrion. (S2E2)

Last Appearance: Now a member of the Kingsguard, Podrick escorts Bran from the first meeting of the new small council. (S8E6)Ghost

First Appearance: Ghost is claimed by Jon Snow after a litter of orphaned Dire Wolf pups is discovered near Winterfell. (S1E1)

Last Appearance: Ghost greets his master and enjoys a well-deserved pat as Jon returns to Castle Black. (S8E6)Gregor Clegane

First Appearance: Ser Gregor jousts with Loras Tyrell and becomes enraged when he's unseated from his horse. (S1E4)

Last Appearance: Gregor battles his brother Sandor in the collapsing Red Keep and both plummet to a fiery death. (S8E5) Jaime Lannister

First Appearance: Jaime joins his sister Cersei to watch as Jon Arryn's remains are prepared for burial. (S1E1)

Last Appearance: Jaime's dead body is found alongside Cersei in the aftermath of Daenerys' attack on King's Landing. (S8E6)Margaery Tyrell

First Appearance: Margaery oversees a tournament alongside her new husband, Renly Baratheon. (S2E3)

Last Appearance: Margaery is among the hundreds killed when Cersei blows up the Great Sept. (S6E10) Hodor

First Appearance: Hodor is among the Winterfell residents who greet King Robert and his entourage upon their arrival at Winterfell. (S1E1)

Last Appearance: Hodor sacrifices his life to save Bran from the ravenous dead, holding the door just long enough for his friends to escape. (S6E5)Osha

First Appearance: Osha is taken prisoner by Robb after she and her fellow wildling refugees try to steal Bran's horse. (S1E6)

Last Appearance: Osha attempts to seduce and kill Ramsay, but he kills her first. (S6E4)Gilly

First Appearance: Gilly serves wine to Craster and the Night's Watch. (S2E1)

Last Appearance: Gilly bids farewell to Jon and reveals she's pregnant again. (S8E4)Joffrey Lannister

First Appearance: Joffrey arrogantly rides into Winterfell as part of King Robert's entourage. (S1E1)

Last Appearance: Cersei mourns her dead son in the aftermath of Joffrey's poisoning. (S4E3)Petyr Baelish

First Appearance: Littlefinger attends a small council meeting to welcome Ned Stark to King's Landing. (S1E3)

Last Appearance: Littlefinger begs for his life before having his throat slit by Arya. (S7E8)Jorah Mormont

First Appearance: Jorah presents himself to Daenerys and Khal Drogo bearing a gift of books. (S1E1)

Last Appearance: Jorah is laid to rest after valiantly defending his queen in the Battle of Winterfell. (S8E4)Rickon Stark

First Appearance: Rickon watches his brother Bran practice archery and laughs at his mistakes. (S1E1)

Last Appearance: Rickon is murdered by Ramsay even as he attempts to run to Jon's army. (S6E9)Ramsay Bolton

First Appearance: Ramsay hides in plain sight, disguised as a servant boy while Theon is being tortured in the Dreadfort. (S3E2)

Last Appearance: Ramsay finally gets a taste of his own medicine when he's fed to his own dogs by Sansa. (S6E9)Shireen Baratheon

First Appearance: Stannis pays a visit to his daughter while she's locked away in her room at Dragonstone. (S3E5)

Last Appearance: Shireen is burned at the stake in a futile sacrifice to the Lord of Light. (S5E9)Myrcella Baratheon

First Appearance: Myrcella joins her family in the journey to Winterfell. (S1E1)

Last Appearance: Myrcella dies in her father's arms after being secretly poisoned by Ellaria Sand. (S6E2)Tommen Baratheon

First Appearance: Tommen joins his family in the journey to Winterfell. (S1E1)

Last Appearance: King Tommen jumps from a high tower after seeing the devastation wrought by his mother. (S6E10)Arya Stark

First Appearance: Arya dejectedly practices her sewing skills before sneaking off to ruin Bran's archery practice. (S1E1)

Last Appearance: Arya captains a ship heading west to discover what lies in the uncharted regions beyond Westeros. (S8E6)Stannis Baratheon

First Appearance: Stannis looks on as Melisandre burns the statues of the Seven at Dragonstone. (S2E1)

Last Appearance: Stannis is executed by Brienne after his army is defeated in battle with Ramsay's forces. (S5E10)Tormund Giantsbane

First Appearance: Tormund is approached by Jon Snow while eating, with Jon believing him to be Mance Rayder. (S3E1)

Last Appearance: Tormund accompanies Jon and the wildings north of the Wall. (S8E6)Sandor Clegane

First Appearance: Sandor rides as part of King Robert's entourage to Winterfell. (S1E1)

Last Appearance: Sandor battles his brother Gregor in the collapsing Red Keep, with both men plummeting to a fiery death. (S8E5)Tywin Lannister

First Appearance: Tywin confers with his son Jaime while butchering a stag. (S1E6)

Last Appearance: Tywin is laid to rest after being murdered in the bathroom by Tyrion. (S5E1)Varys

First Appearance: Varys attends a small council meeting and greets Ned Stark upon his arrival to King's landing. (S1E3)

Last Appearance: Varys is executed by Daenerys for conspiring against her. (S8E5)Walder Frey

First Appearance: Walder meets with Catelyn and forms a temporary alliance with Robb's forces. (S1E9)

Last Appearance: Wearing the murdered Walder's face, Arya poisons all the male members of House Frey at a feast. (S7E1)Robb Stark

First Appearance: Robb coaches Bran as his younger brother practices archery. (S1E1)

Last Appearance: Robb's defaced corpse is paraded about The Twins in the aftermath of the Red Wedding. (S3E10)Tyrion Lannister

First Appearance: Weary of weeks of travel, Tyrion's first act after arriving at Winterfell is to visit a local brothel. (S1E1)

Last Appearance: Tyrion convenes the first meeting of King Bran's small council. (S8E6)Lyanna Mormont

First Appearance: Lyanna greets Jon Snow and his allies before making it plain she isn't susceptible to flattery. (S6E7)

Last Appearance: Lyanna is laid to rest after the Battle of Winterfell, having died after killing an undead giant. (S8E4)Olenna Tyrell

First Appearance: Margaery befriends Sansa by taking her to meet Lady Olenna, who is eager to learn more about Joffrey's true nature. (S3E2)

Last Appearance: Olenna ingests a deadly poison and reveals to Jaime that it was she who had Joffrey killed. (S7E3)Drogon, Rhaegal & Viserion

First Appearance: Dany's three dragon children first appear as petrified eggs, the most valuable of the many gifts she receives during her wedding to Khal Drogo. (S1E1)Last Appearances: The undead Viserion is destroyed when the Night King is killed by Arya (S8E3). Rhaegal is killed by Euron Greyjoy's scorpion bolts (S8E4). Only Drogon survives to the end of the series, carrying his mother's body away to parts unknown (S8E6).

Game of Thrones: Every Major Character's First and Last AppearanceClick through for a breakdown of every major Game of Thrones' character's first scene and last scene, showing just how much these characters evolved over the course of the series in terms of their appearance and their place in Westeros.Robin Arryn First Appearance: A sickly Robin nurses at his mother's breast as Catelyn brings a captive Tyrion Lannister to the Eyrie. (S1E5) Last Appearance: An older, hunkier Robin attends the High Council to help choose the new king of Westeros. (S8E6)Bran Stark First Appearance: Bran practices archery with his brothers and feuds with Arya in Winterfell. (S1E1) Last Appearance: The newly crowned King Brandon the Broken meets with his small council to discuss the future of the Six Kingdoms. (S8E6)Benjen Stark First Appearance: Benjen attends a feast at Winterfell and brings news from beyond the Wall. (S1E1) Last Appearance: Benjen sacrifices his life to save his nephew Jon Snow from the White Walkers. (S7E7)Brienne of Tarth First Appearance: Brienne defeats Ser Loras to win Renly's tournament and becomes a member of Renly's Kingsguard. (S2E3) Last Appearance: As the leader of the new Kingsguard, Brienne attends the first meeting of Bran's small council. (S8E6)Cersei Lannister First Appearance: Cersei watches over the funeral rites of the recently murdered Jon Arryn. (S1E1) Last Appearance: Cersei's body is found under tons of rubble in the aftermath of Daenerys' attack on King's Landing. (S8E6)Bronn First Appearance: The opportunistic Bronn sells his inn room to Tyrion, in the first of many business arrangements between the two. (S1E4) Last Appearance: Bronn attends King Bran's small council as the new Master of Coin. (S8E6)Daario Naharis First Appearance: Daario and his captains in the Second Sons meet with Daenerys, agreeing to cancel their contract with Yunkai and fight for her instead. (S3E8) Last Appearance: A much less handsome Daario pleads with Dany to accompany her to Westeros, but is left behind to maintain order in Meereen. (S6E10)Qyburn First Appearance: Qyburn is one of the only survivors of the Mountain's slaughter of the prisoners at Harrenhal. (S3E1) Last Appearance: Ser Gregor finally finishes the job when he tosses Qyburn to his death before battling his brother Sandor. (S8E5)Daenerys Targaryen First Appearance: Dany learns she's been betrothed to Dothraki warlord Khal Drogo while staying at the home of Illyrio Mopatis. (S1E1) Last Appearance: A triumphant but bloodthirsty Dany is killed by her nephew/lover Jon Snow in the throne room of King's Landing. (S8E6)Hot Pie First Appearance: Hot Pie is among the new Night's Watch conscripts who bully Arya. (S1E10) Last Appearance: Hot Pie has an unexpected reunion with Arya while working as a cook at an inn. (S7E2)Davos Seaworth First Appearance: Davos attends the ceremonial burning of the statues of the Seven outside Dragonstone. (S2E1) Last Appearance: Davos joins King Bran's small council as the Master of Ships. (S8E6)Grey Worm First Appearance: Grey Worm presents himself to Daenerys after being elected leader of the Unsullied. (S3E5) Last Appearance: Having lost his queen and his lover, Grey Worm sails to Naath with a contingent of Unsullied to keep his promise to Missandei. (S8E6)Grand Maester Pycelle First Appearance: Pycelle convenes a meeting of King Robert's small council to welcome Ned Stark to King's Landing. (S1E3) Last Appearance: Pycelle is lured to Qyburn's quarters, where he's murdered by Qyburn's "little birds." (S6E10)Yara Greyjoy First Appearance: Yara welcomes her brother home to the Iron Islands while disguised as a humble messenger. (S2E2) Last Appearance: Yara attends the High Council meeting to help choose the new ruler of Westeros. (S8E6)Eddison Tollett First Appearance: Edd joins Jon Snow, Samwell Tarly and the other Night's Watch members sent north of the wall to Craster's Keep. (S2E1) Last Appearance: Edd's body is laid to rest after his valiant death at the Battle of Winterfell. (S8E4)Jon Snow First Appearance: Jon helps coach Bran in the art of archery while his adoptive parents look on. (S1E1) Last Appearance: Jon ventures north of the wall with a group of wildlings, though whether he's on a scouting mission or leaving the Night's Watch behind for good is unclear. (S8E6)Meera Reed First Appearance: Meera and her brother Jojen have a tense standoff with Osha and Bran. (S3E2) Last Appearance: Meera bids a sad farewell to Bran after realizing the boy she fought so hard to protect no longer exists. (S7E4)Lancel Lannister First Appearance: King Robert has his squire pour wine during a meeting with Barristan Selmy. (S1E3) Last Appearance: A wounded Lancel struggles and fails to stop Cersei's wildfire traps from detonating and destroying the Great Sept. (S6E10)Catelyn Stark First Appearance: Catelyn and her husband look on at their sons with pride until a messenger arrives with news of a Night's Watch deserter. (S1E1) Last Appearance: Catelyn is murdered by Black Walder as part of the Red Wedding massacre. (S3E9)Edmure Tully First Appearance: Edmure makes a fool of himself while presiding over the funeral of his father. (S3E3) Last Appearance: Edmure makes a fool of himself while attending the High Council to choose the new king. (S8E6)Melisandre First Appearance: Melisandre performs a ritualistic burning of the Seven at Dragonstone before crowning Stannis as Azor Ahai. (S2E1) Last Appearance: Her magic finally used up in the Battle of Winterfell, Melisandre walks into the coming dawn and disintegrates. (S8E3)Theon Greyjoy First Appearance: Theon joins Ned for the execution of a Night's Watch deserter. (S1E1) Last Appearance: Theon's body is laid to rest after his heroic sacrifice protecting Bran from the Night King. (S8E4)Jaqen H'ghar First Appearance: A hooded Jaqen is one of three prisoners being taken to Castle Black when Arya joins the Night's Watch recruits. (S1E10) Last Appearance: Jaqen (or whomever is wearing his face) looks on approvingly as Arya cuts ties with the Faceless Men and begins her journey back to Westeros. (S6E8)Gendry Baratheon First Appearance: Gendry is working as a blacksmith's apprentice when Ned investigates the circumstances behind Jon Arryn's murder. (S1E4) Last Appearance: Now the legitimized head of House Baratheon, Gendry attends the High Council to help choose the new king of Westeros. (S8E6)Loras Tyrell First Appearance: Loras charms the crowd at a jousting tournament by giving a rose to Sansa. (S1E5) Last Appearance: A psychologically battered Loras is among the hundreds killed when Cersei blows up the Great Sept. (S6E10)Samwell Tarly First Appearance: Sam is cruelly mocked by his fellow Night's Watch members when he begins his first training session. (S1E4) Last Appearance: Sam joins King Bran's small council as the new Grand Maester of King's Landing. (S8E6)Missandei First Appearance: An enslaved Missandei serves as interpreter between Kraznys mo Nakloz and Daenerys Targaryen in Astapor. (S3E1) Last Appearance: Missandei is executed by The Mountain when Tyrion attempts to broker a peace treaty with Cersei. (S8E4)Sansa Stark First Appearance: Sansa is praised by Septa Mordane for her exceptional sewing skills, much to Arya's chagrin. (S1E1) Last Appearance: Sansa is crowned Queen in the North after successfully winning independence for Winterfell. (S8E6)Podrick Payne First Appearance: The clumsy Podrick spills wine on Janos Slynt's hand during Slynt's meeting with Tyrion. (S2E2) Last Appearance: Now a member of the Kingsguard, Podrick escorts Bran from the first meeting of the new small council. (S8E6)Ghost First Appearance: Ghost is claimed by Jon Snow after a litter of orphaned Dire Wolf pups is discovered near Winterfell. (S1E1) Last Appearance: Ghost greets his master and enjoys a well-deserved pat as Jon returns to Castle Black. (S8E6)Gregor Clegane First Appearance: Ser Gregor jousts with Loras Tyrell and becomes enraged when he's unseated from his horse. (S1E4) Last Appearance: Gregor battles his brother Sandor in the collapsing Red Keep and both plummet to a fiery death. (S8E5) Jaime Lannister First Appearance: Jaime joins his sister Cersei to watch as Jon Arryn's remains are prepared for burial. (S1E1) Last Appearance: Jaime's dead body is found alongside Cersei in the aftermath of Daenerys' attack on King's Landing. (S8E6)Margaery Tyrell First Appearance: Margaery oversees a tournament alongside her new husband, Renly Baratheon. (S2E3) Last Appearance: Margaery is among the hundreds killed when Cersei blows up the Great Sept. (S6E10) Hodor First Appearance: Hodor is among the Winterfell residents who greet King Robert and his entourage upon their arrival at Winterfell. (S1E1) Last Appearance: Hodor sacrifices his life to save Bran from the ravenous dead, holding the door just long enough for his friends to escape. (S6E5)Osha First Appearance: Osha is taken prisoner by Robb after she and her fellow wildling refugees try to steal Bran's horse. (S1E6) Last Appearance: Osha attempts to seduce and kill Ramsay, but he kills her first. (S6E4)Gilly First Appearance: Gilly serves wine to Craster and the Night's Watch. (S2E1) Last Appearance: Gilly bids farewell to Jon and reveals she's pregnant again. (S8E4)Joffrey Lannister First Appearance: Joffrey arrogantly rides into Winterfell as part of King Robert's entourage. (S1E1) Last Appearance: Cersei mourns her dead son in the aftermath of Joffrey's poisoning. (S4E3)Petyr Baelish First Appearance: Littlefinger attends a small council meeting to welcome Ned Stark to King's Landing. (S1E3) Last Appearance: Littlefinger begs for his life before having his throat slit by Arya. (S7E8)Jorah Mormont First Appearance: Jorah presents himself to Daenerys and Khal Drogo bearing a gift of books. (S1E1) Last Appearance: Jorah is laid to rest after valiantly defending his queen in the Battle of Winterfell. (S8E4)Rickon Stark First Appearance: Rickon watches his brother Bran practice archery and laughs at his mistakes. (S1E1) Last Appearance: Rickon is murdered by Ramsay even as he attempts to run to Jon's army. (S6E9)Ramsay Bolton First Appearance: Ramsay hides in plain sight, disguised as a servant boy while Theon is being tortured in the Dreadfort. (S3E2) Last Appearance: Ramsay finally gets a taste of his own medicine when he's fed to his own dogs by Sansa. (S6E9)Shireen Baratheon First Appearance: Stannis pays a visit to his daughter while she's locked away in her room at Dragonstone. (S3E5) Last Appearance: Shireen is burned at the stake in a futile sacrifice to the Lord of Light. (S5E9)Myrcella Baratheon First Appearance: Myrcella joins her family in the journey to Winterfell. (S1E1) Last Appearance: Myrcella dies in her father's arms after being secretly poisoned by Ellaria Sand. (S6E2)Tommen Baratheon First Appearance: Tommen joins his family in the journey to Winterfell. (S1E1) Last Appearance: King Tommen jumps from a high tower after seeing the devastation wrought by his mother. (S6E10)Arya Stark First Appearance: Arya dejectedly practices her sewing skills before sneaking off to ruin Bran's archery practice. (S1E1) Last Appearance: Arya captains a ship heading west to discover what lies in the uncharted regions beyond Westeros. (S8E6)Stannis Baratheon First Appearance: Stannis looks on as Melisandre burns the statues of the Seven at Dragonstone. (S2E1) Last Appearance: Stannis is executed by Brienne after his army is defeated in battle with Ramsay's forces. (S5E10)Tormund Giantsbane First Appearance: Tormund is approached by Jon Snow while eating, with Jon believing him to be Mance Rayder. (S3E1) Last Appearance: Tormund accompanies Jon and the wildings north of the Wall. (S8E6)Sandor Clegane First Appearance: Sandor rides as part of King Robert's entourage to Winterfell. (S1E1) Last Appearance: Sandor battles his brother Gregor in the collapsing Red Keep, with both men plummeting to a fiery death. (S8E5)Tywin Lannister First Appearance: Tywin confers with his son Jaime while butchering a stag. (S1E6) Last Appearance: Tywin is laid to rest after being murdered in the bathroom by Tyrion. (S5E1)Varys First Appearance: Varys attends a small council meeting and greets Ned Stark upon his arrival to King's landing. (S1E3) Last Appearance: Varys is executed by Daenerys for conspiring against her. (S8E5)Walder Frey First Appearance: Walder meets with Catelyn and forms a temporary alliance with Robb's forces. (S1E9) Last Appearance: Wearing the murdered Walder's face, Arya poisons all the male members of House Frey at a feast. (S7E1)Robb Stark First Appearance: Robb coaches Bran as his younger brother practices archery. (S1E1) Last Appearance: Robb's defaced corpse is paraded about The Twins in the aftermath of the Red Wedding. (S3E10)Tyrion Lannister First Appearance: Weary of weeks of travel, Tyrion's first act after arriving at Winterfell is to visit a local brothel. (S1E1) Last Appearance: Tyrion convenes the first meeting of King Bran's small council. (S8E6)Lyanna Mormont First Appearance: Lyanna greets Jon Snow and his allies before making it plain she isn't susceptible to flattery. (S6E7) Last Appearance: Lyanna is laid to rest after the Battle of Winterfell, having died after killing an undead giant. (S8E4)Olenna Tyrell First Appearance: Margaery befriends Sansa by taking her to meet Lady Olenna, who is eager to learn more about Joffrey's true nature. (S3E2) Last Appearance: Olenna ingests a deadly poison and reveals to Jaime that it was she who had Joffrey killed. (S7E3)Drogon, Rhaegal & Viserion First Appearance: Dany's three dragon children first appear as petrified eggs, the most valuable of the many gifts she receives during her wedding to Khal Drogo. (S1E1)Last Appearances: The undead Viserion is destroyed when the Night King is killed by Arya (S8E3). Rhaegal is killed by Euron Greyjoy's scorpion bolts (S8E4). Only Drogon survives to the end of the series, carrying his mother's body away to parts unknown (S8E6).



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