Vanessa-Mae: Violinist turned ski racer has four-year skiing ban overturnedVanessa-Mae: Violinist turned ski racer has four-year skiing ban overturnedVanessa-Mae: Violinist turned ski racer has four-year skiing ban overturned
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Chi è Vanessa Nakate, l’attivista per il clima che dà voce all’Africa
産経フォトミス・アメリカが決定 ヴァネッサ・ウィリアムスさんも出席
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'Ugly Betty' star Vanessa Williams gives voice to Mama the Elephant of the African savanna in 'Mama Mirabelle's Home Movies.' Vanessa Williams, Beautiful Black Women, Beautiful Eyes, Beautiful People, Gorgeous Girl, Beautiful Voice, Hello Beautiful, Lovely, Beautiful Celebrities
Została pierwszą czarnoskórą Miss Ameryki i wywołała skandal. Cały świat zobaczył jej nagie zdjęcia
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. Bridget Bardot, Brigitte Bardot, Divas, Beautiful People, Beautiful Women, Star Francaise, Vanessa Redgrave, Catherine Deneuve, Sex Symbol
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