【新登場】iPhone 16e simフリー 端末本体のみ (楽天モバイル回線なし) 新品 純正 Apple 認定店 楽天モバイル公式 アイフォン…
Turtle Neck
Sayoko Yamaguchi 山口小夜子 Japanese Geisha, Japanese Models, Vintage Japanese, Yamaguchi, Twiggy Model, Beautiful Japanese Girl, China Girl, Japan Fashion, Asian Model
山口小夜子 (1949~2007)。ファッションモデル、デザイナー、そして日本人初のパリコレモデル。☆1973年頃からの資生堂のCM 辺りからしか知らないけど、やっぱり(特に鼻が) 全くの別人。因みにこの住所、すっごい近所で超びっくり!^^; ★Sayoko Yamaguchi was a fashion model & a designer, who was the pioneer of Japanese women fashion model to be featured in the world's top fashion shows and magazines. ☆This is her resume at 16 years old, quite amazing that such thing still exists, not to mention it coming to light. Japanese Models, Japanese Girl, Vintage Japanese, Yamaguchi, 60s Pictures, Performing Arts Theater, Creepy Vintage, Asian Short Hair, Tsundere
Out of Space : Photo Human Poses Reference, Pose Reference Photo, Art Reference Photos, Photography Inspo, Aesthetic Photography, Portrait Photography, Art Poses, Drawing Poses, Draw Tips
Sayoko Yamaguchi Yamaguchi, Japanese Beauty, Asian Beauty, Photography Inspo, Fashion Photography, Arte Obscura, Japanese Models, The Fallen, Style Icon