Images of 古歩道ベンジャミン
【中古】 ザ・フナイ マス・メディアには載らない本当の情報 vol.71(2013年8月号 / 船井 幸雄, 副島 隆彦, 飛鳥昭雄, 古歩道ベンジャミン, 船瀬 俊介, / [ムック]【宅配便出荷】
ベンジャミン氏直撃インタビュー 陰謀は存在するのか?特別会計、日本の闇の裏には外国人、隠れ植民地、総理大臣は役者、永田町劇団、イルミナティ、BIS(国際決済銀行)は民間企業、レオ・ザガミ、宇宙人の存在
Interview: Tony of the Gambino crime family - Vatican / 911 / Jfk / Marilyn Monroe & more topics covered include: the connection of the vatican / catholicism to the mafia groups; the perpetrators of the 911 events (wtc / pentagon attacks); pedophilia in the established hierarchies; the pope is the head of the mafia; mafia involvement with hollywood; who killed jfk;who killed marilyn monroe;iraq war;pearl harbor; The Tap blogged Mandela's death last June. We've held on waiting for the 'official' announcement for six months. Now the lies are proving too difficult to contain. How are the world's media going to handle this? They're claiming it was the family that 'kept him alive'. Nothing to do with the political timetable. SA elections are in April. Obama visited SA in July 2013. The Mandela death has proved a huge news blanket, screening out all other news, such as the signing of the new corporate trade structure, where corporations have set up secret courts and a massive new worldwide trade agreement. Funeral was planned a year ago
ベンジャミン氏直撃インタビュー 陰謀は存在するのか?特別会計、日本の闇の裏には外国人、隠れ植民地、総理大臣は役者、永田町劇団、イルミナティ、BIS(国際決済銀行)は民間企業、レオ・ザガミ、宇宙人の存在
ベンジャミン氏直撃インタビュー 陰謀は存在するのか?特別会計、日本の闇の裏には外国人、隠れ植民地、総理大臣は役者、永田町劇団、イルミナティ、BIS(国際決済銀行)は民間企業、レオ・ザガミ、宇宙人の存在