[071] 夕されば 門田の稲葉 おとづれて 蘆のまろやに 秋風ぞ吹く (大納言 源経信) When the evening comes, From the rice leaves at my gate, Gentle knocks are heard, And, into my round rush-hut, Enters autumn's roaming breeze. (Minamoto no Tsunenobu) Taoism, Buddhism, Chinese Painting, Chinese Art, Japanese Poem, Sengoku Period, Heian Period, Famous Poets, Nihon
Number: 71 Poet: Dainagon Tsunenobu (大納言経信) also known as Minamoto no Tsunenobu) Scene: Dainagon Tsunenobu at the window of his study sees an apparition howling out a poem by Utagawa Kuniyoshi Japanese Prints, Japanese Art, Kai Monster, Chinese Poem, Japon Tokyo, Japanese Woodcut, Kuniyoshi, Spirited Art, Korean Art