Images of 石上純也

SHARE石上純也建築設計事務所による、神奈川・厚木市の「神奈川工科大学KAIT広場」 SHARE SANAAが設計を手掛けた静岡市の歴史文化施設が着工。画像が2枚公開 SHARE ザハ・ハディド・アーキテクツとリー&オレンジが計画を進める、香港科学技術大学の学生寮「Student Residence Development」。2023年の完成を予定

「石上純也 模型」の画像検索結果 Surfaces Architecture, Architecture Drawing, Silos, Urban Design, Design Projects, Indoor Outdoor, Presentation, Landscape, Towers

石上純也氏設計による〈KAIT広場〉が神奈川工科大学に竣工 |CULTURE|TECTURE MAG(テクチャーマガジン) Atmosphere, Places To Go, Photo Wall, Culture, Architecture, Frame, Museum, Inspo, Decor

「石上純也 模型」の画像検索結果 3d Modelle, Nintendo Consoles, Museum, Models, Architecture, Templates, Scene, Museums, Fashion Models

森と別荘のある家 Architecture Rendering, Japanese Architecture, Architecture Drawings, Japan Design, Site Buildings, Collective Housing, Planting Plan, Texture Images, Tower House

石上純也 模型 - Google 搜索 Co Housing, Healthcare Design, Senior Living, Architecture Model, Urban Design, Pavilion, Table Decorations, How To Plan, Building

image Architecture Concept Diagram, Garden Architecture, Architecture Drawing, Architecture Design, World Of Interiors, Parque Industrial, 3d Printer Designs, Plant Design, Design Design