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Gary Glitter LIVE: Paedophile popstar JAILED for 16 YEARS for sex attacks on young girls
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Gary Glitter song axed from kids' nativity show after uproar from parentsThank you for subscribing!
Gary Glitter to be released from prison early next year – report
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Gary Glitter launched from jail after serving half of 16-year sentence for sexual abuse
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Gary Glitter, pictured on Feb. 5, 2015.
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Gary Glitter Sentenced to Three Years in Prison in Vietnam
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Gary Glitter sentenced to 16 years in jail for historic sex attacks on schoolgirls
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Gary Glitter's cousin, who stood by him during his convictions for child abuse, reveals that pop star sexually abused her as a child too
Gary Glitter Arrested in London in Relation to Sex Offense Case
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Singer Gary Glitter convicted of sex crimes
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Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Gary Glitter Through The Ages In Pictures