September 15, 1916 - British Tank Attack on the Somme, First Use of Tanks in History Pictured - “Achtung, Panzer!” The Battle of the Somme appeared to be reaching a climax in September 1916, and Haig and Joffre believed that with a few more crushing... World War I, Old World, Ww1 Tanks, Battle Of The Somme, Canadian Soldiers, Military Drawings, Armored Fighting Vehicle, British Army, Panzer
Dying Splendor of the Old World — September 15, 1916 - British Tank Attack on the...Dying Splendor of the Old World
Old illustration of battlefield in Paraguay, during the war of the Triple Alliance. By Janet-Lange and Cosson-Smeeton after sketch of Paranhos. Publ. on L'Illustration, Journal Universel, Paris, 1868
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