National September 11 Memorial Hall and Museum prepares to open
The National September 11 Memorial Museum stands beyond the north reflecting pool during the opening ceremony for the museum at ground zero May 15, 2014 in New York City. (Justin Lane—Getty Images)
ナショナル・セプテンバー11メモリアル(National September 11 Memorial)
National September 11 Memorial & Museum world trade center
Patrick Mate Lyons, son of firefighter Lt. Patrick Lyons who died on Sept. 11, 2001, speaks in St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York Saturday, Sept. 10, 2011, during a ceremony to honor New York firefighters who were killed ten years ago in the attacks on the World Trade Center. (AP Photo/Brian Snyder, Pool)
キリン 一番搾り生ビール( 350ml×24本)【一番搾り】
Northern Pool, National September 11 Memorial & Museum, Lower Manhattan, New York, USA
The National September 11 Memorial Museum at the World Trade Center_9
9/11 Memorial, The National September 11 Memorial & Museum, New York