50 Breathtaking Photos of the Operation Barbarossa, 22 June 1941
Historical Events of 1941
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A Certain Point of View: Writing, Film and Stuff
The SOVIET UNION during WORLD WAR II the Soviet Union entered World War II The beginning of Leningrad Blockade The Battle for Moscow started The defeat of the fascists and the end of the Battle for Moscow Russian counter-offensive in the Battle of Stalingrad The defeat of the fascists and the end of the Battle of Stalingrad Kurskaya Battle Тhe liberation of Belgorod and Kharkov Liqidation of Leningrad Blockade The beginning of the conference between the leaders of the USSR , the US and the UK The Battle of Berlin Reichstag conquest The capitulation of Germany Victory Day in the USSR
alternatehistory.com wikiEurope WWII Map Series by Morgan Hauser, Chris S, and others