1974 World Cup Final. Munich, West Germany. 7th July, 1974. West Germany 2 v Holland 1. West German captain Franz Beckenbauer holds aloft the trophy as his team become World Champions for the second time in history.
Intake Manifold 1974年のダッジダートスポーツ360 5.9L V8ガスOHVのエンジン吸気マニホールド Engine Intake Manifold for 1974…
Brake Drum 1970年、1973-1974プリマス衛星スポーツYZ968stブレーキドラムのリアブレーキドラム Rear Brake Drum For 1970, 1973-1974…
BAYERN DE MUNICH-1974. De pie, de izquierda a derecha: Beckembauer, Hoennes, Müller, Gersdorff, Zobel, Schwarzembech y Kapellman. Agachados, en el mismo orden: Hansen, Maier, Breitner y Hoffmann. Football Team Pictures, Germany Football, Kids Soccer, Retro Football, Munich, Hansen, Johnny, My Pictures, Pie