1974 World Cup Final. Munich, West Germany. 7th July, 1974. West Germany 2 v Holland 1. West German captain Franz Beckenbauer holds aloft the trophy as his team become World Champions for the second time in history.
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【ガラスフィルムプレゼント中!】【21日20時からポイントUP! BLACK FRIDAY】新品未開封品【Nランク】Appleストア版SIMフリーiPhoneSE3 128GB ミッドナイト…
BAYERN DE MUNICH-1974. De pie, de izquierda a derecha: Beckembauer, Hoennes, Müller, Gersdorff, Zobel, Schwarzembech y Kapellman. Agachados, en el mismo orden: Hansen, Maier, Breitner y Hoffmann. Football Team Pictures, Germany Football, Kids Soccer, Retro Football, Munich, Hansen, Johnny, My Pictures, Pie