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BT Sport. Football. pic: 2nd July 1982. 1982 World Cup Finals in Spain. Spain 1 v West Germany 2. Spain team group, amongst the players (not in order) Arconada, Gordillo, Camacho, Alescano, Alonso, Tendillo, Juanito, Zamora, Quini.
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Sport. Football. pic: 29th June 1982. 1982 World Cup Finals in Spain. Italy 2 v Argentina 0 in Barcelona. Argentina team group
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Sport. Football. pic: 29th June 1982. 1982 World Cup Finals in Spain. England 0 v West Germany 0 in Madrid. West Germany team group
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A Capella: 1982 Mazda 626 CoupeDon’t Miss Another Find!
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