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Which San Antonio Spurs players could join the 50-40-90 club?

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Durant joins Bird, Nash, Nowitzki in 50-40-90 club with historic 2012-13 season

Every Player Thinks They Can Shoot – But What Defines A Great Shooter?
Three Warriors are close to the famed 50-40-90 mark

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Sportscasting | Pure SportsWhat’s the 50-40-90 Club in the NBA and How Many Members Does It Have?

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Marcus Morris Sr. joins the 50/40/90 club after 4-4 night from the stripe

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He’s still got it! Former Cavs great Mark Price shows son his three-point shooting skills

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“50/40/90 for Kyrie Irving da God”: Kevin Durant congratulates his Nets teammate for becoming the 9th player of the 50-40-90 club

Kyrie Irving joins NBA's all-time 50-40-90 club to cap-off career year as Nets seal East's second seed

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Ray Allen seeks membership to the 50-40-90 Club

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The Exclusive 50-40-90 Club Has ExpandedThe Exclusive 50-40-90 Club Has Expanded
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