Images of 4004

Intel 4004 was the first commercially available single-chip microprocessor in history. It was a 4-bit CPU designed for usage in calculators, or, as we say now, designed for "embedded applications". Clocked at 740 KHz, the 4004 executed up to 92,000 single word instructions per second, could access 4 KB of program memory and 640 bytes of RAM. Computer Gadgets, Computer Geek, Home Computer, Personal Computer, Alter Computer, Micro Computer, Intel 4004, Pc Components, Computer Workstation

Marcian Hoff MARCIAN HOFF Westinghouse Science Talent Search Fundación Nacional de Ciencias REDES NEURONALES intel Intel y hoff MICROPROCESADOR Busicom Federico Faggin Intel 4004 El Intel 8008 El SC/MP Motorola 6800 COMPAÑERO "Intel Fellow" adiós intel Teklicon Premio v.2 SALON DE LA FAMA Premio Kyoto MEDALLA Medalla Nacional de Tecnología e Innovación